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Everyone Want To Fuck The New Racist Pokemon Trainer Carmine
By ImJustThatKinky β€’ 2 years ago
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Everytime a new Pokemon trailer comes out, you can expect some new hot Pokemon waifu to show up and get everyone drooling. I don’t know what it is with the Pokemon developers and making DLC Pokemon chicks bitches, but just like Klara, we get another bitchy girl, and she’s of the racist variety.

This quickly got pointed out, and NSFW artists didn’t wait a second to correct this racist bitch. Carmine is the target for all blac- I mean, outsider Pokemon trainers. So it’s up to them to train her in respect.

Carmine just has that, β€œI’m a bitch”, design. With a seemingly ever lasting resting bitch face. A beauty mark under one of her eyes, that makes her instantly hot. Long black hair with orange highlights underneath. A dark blue Japanese school boy style outfit, and the yellow bandana wrapped around her hair which wraps her whole design together perfectly. A design worthy of being corrected by outsider cocks.

What do you think of Carmine’s design? Do you like correcting racist bitches? Do the Pokemon developers always release winning DLC waifus? Tell us in the comments.

WM-R 2 years ago
I'm sorry, but why is it being "chilly towards people from other regions" is equated with "racist"? Like, as far as I'm aware, it's not as though someone looks at somebody like, say, Nemona and Penny and can go, "Oh, you two look like you're from Paldea. Ugh."
Anon - SnakeIsDead29 2 years ago
I hate social media
Anon - Anon 2 years ago
I think everyones just blowing this out of the water
Anon - Hayao Miyazaki 2 years ago
Social media was, is, and always will be, a bigger mistake than anime.
Neopolitan 2 years ago
To fair, people from Johto eat Slowpoke tails as a delicacy.
Anon - Anon 1 year ago
Funny then everybody is racist for shitting on the region I live in and especially those who do live in the same country as I do.
People who never got out of their home should stfu ffs... thanks social media you already ruined it like everything else... now those sheeps will only do interracial of her despite she has good looks and cant unsee the dumb people following twitter
Oddest Ball 2 years ago (edited 2 years ago)
Maybe it's an Ainu vs colonizing Japanese thing they're calling back to. I'll wait for Gaijin Goombah to throw his educated guess out first.
MrObvious 2 years ago
She's got issues with others from different regions? Sounds like she's straight out of feudal Japan. Meh, I'd stay with Bea myself.
Anon - No Name Needed 1 year ago
Its more like someone from Maryland not liking some one from North Dakota, or someone from London not liking some one from Cardiff.
Anon - Anon 2 years ago
If you're african and you hate africans from other regions in your country, are you racist?
No, you would have to be a retard to make that leap of judgement off that statement.
Plenty of people hate people from other regions who are the same race as them.
Twitter always coming to the rescue with smooth brain takes.