I was always a fan of Sakura from Naruto, but I know a lot of people hated her. She was considered a useless character and unreasonably in love with Sasuke. I can’t really disagree with them, but I was a Saukra fan boy ever since I was young, so it’s kind of hard for me to start hating her now. But, even if she’s useless and a huge Sasuke fangirl, I hope we mostly can agree that we’d fuck Sakura and cum on her big ass fuck forehead. I know artist LORD MOKU is down with that idea, and also pushing the Sakura is hot agenda.
Yep, another “draw in your style” meme, and we get to use Sakura and her big forehead as reference. Many different artists, big and small, saw this call to action and started putting their own style to this sloppy and slutty Sakura art piece. Some of the pieces that caught my eye were the ones from Anoni, MrHernanDrawings, and LewdPala.
A lewd “draw in your style” meme for all us degenerates and Sakura lovers to enjoy. If you want to see a lot more sloppy Sakura drawings, you can find them all in the Twitter thread.
What do you think of the drawings? Do you think Sakura is hot? Would you cum on Sakura’s forehead? Tell us in the comments.