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Dumb Scam Trick That Works?!
By ImJustThatKinky • 11 months ago
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Another scam that’s been going around, and it has something to do with cash app and paypal. I’m still so shocked that people fall for these types of scams, but if it ain't broke, don’t fix it. And if you are broke, try scamming people, like these people, since people seem so gullible. This scam goes as follows. Some random slides into your DMs, and offer you $3,000. They’ll send you a screenshot, showing that the $3,000 is processing. But, to receive the $3,000, you have to send $50 first.

And my guess is after that, they’ll just keep sucking you dry, until your dumb ass figures out that you’re being scammed. I actually ran into a similar problem and they got so desperate for me to send them some kind of information, they told me to use Twitter Pay.

And don’t worry, I looked it up, Twitter Pay isn’t a real thing. But it is honestly crazy how hard people try to scam other people for money. But I guess I see why, when it’s working on so many people. My advice to you all, if some random person comes into your DMs offering you money, it’s safe to assume that they’re lying. Call it a gut feeling, and maybe even common sense, but I don’t think that person can be trusted.

Have you been scammed before? Do you think this scam is stupid? Do you think Twitter Pay is real? Tell us in the comments.

VeryTired 11 months ago
There's this thing in life called an "Idiot Tax" and it really is quite brutal.
Void-Lord 11 months ago
I've always been pessimistic, so I've never been scammed. If someone makes any kind of shady offer to me, I simply think of the old saying: "If it seems too good to be true, it usually is.", and walk away from it.
MrObvious 11 months ago
This is so obvious you can see it if it were a train blasting fireworks approaching from miles and miles away. Proud to say that I haven't, unfortunately my aging parents almost where but luckily me and my kid brother intervened.
jupmod 11 months ago
I don't fall for these types of scams, given I always believe that if they ask you for money to give you money, it is a scam. This type of scam has been going around for decades with post cards or phone calls saying you won money but they need you to pay the processing fee. Why not deduct it off the winnings than asking for you to pay money? (roll eyes)
BootyHunter 11 months ago
This is why I only Buy from EBay, Amazon, Walmart, Nintendo, & PlayStation, actual Official Store Sites, I don't mess with other "Buying Sites"..
kelb 10 months ago
If a random stranger comes to you claiming they'll do great things for you if you'll just forward a small but substantial amount of money, like $50-100 US, and you believe them then you deserve to lose your money to the obvious scammer. Every bank and processor you've ever signed up with says "never send money to someone you don't know."