Even though he’s gone (not sure if he’s dead or not) Jlullaby Workout Ruby still lives on in all of our hearts. It was such a simple, but fucking eye opening concept. It’s a concept that will be cemented in lewd history. And an animator, thatcombatwombat, is adding to that history with his 4 part Ruby's Workout Regime animations. And you heard that right, PART 4s. So you don’t have to worry about your favorite RWBY member not being there.
And I always love when an animator can keep the character's personality. We all know that the girls look sexy, but their personalities are sexy as well. Ruby is bubbly, Blake is calm, Weiss is bratty, and Yang is energetic. And if you’ve been here for a while and this isn’t your first article from me, you should already know that my favorite one was Weiss. Always great to put a loud mouth brat in her place. BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE!!!
That’s right, there’s going to be a part 5 to the madness. If you’re a fan of impregnation kinks, then this is a series for you, and a series that’s going to end on a high note. So if you’re interested in supporting part 5, you can check out thatcombatwombat’s Patreon.
What did you think of the animations? Which RWBY girl would you impregnate? Do you have an impregnation kink? Tell us in the comments.