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Do You Get Fear Boners?
By WakeUpSnooze • 1 year ago
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I hope everyone is having fun with the spookiest time of the year. Growing up I enjoyed Halloween a lot cause of the high amount of special episodes airing on TV and the constant creepy commercials, and these days it feels like with the rise of streaming, Halloween festivities are fucking everywhere. Every streamer and creator on the planet tends to do something for the holiday whether that be playing a scary game or watching a horror movie. I figured with only a little time left before the big day, I wanted to do a bit of research before the time is over. You see I’ve never really gotten a fear boner before, and I wanted to tread into dangerous territory by opening up the discussion with you guys.

This question is actually two-parts. First, do you get fear boners in terms of do you think you get aroused by fear? And second, do you think you “get” as in understand your own definition of the term? I’ve seen a ton of people talk about having fear boners for anime characters like Makima, but to me that’s different. Makima is hot as hell, dominant, and intimidating. Knowing how much manga readers have spoiled I probably SHOULD fear her, but when I think about her in a sexual context, it’s more about the power dynamic than being scary. I’d do whatever Makima said like a pathetic simp because I’m trying to A) not die or B) at least touch that ass once before I die. What’s enticing about the situation to me is how strong Makima is, not necessarily how scary.

My dick is pumping way harder than my heart right now.

Okay now see that girl below? If you’re attracted to her, THAT falls much more in line with my mental comprehension of a “fear boner”. In this case she’s not necessarily super attractive or conventionally sexy, and based on her appearance there’s a definite high risk that she could be some ghost demon or something that’s going to kill your ass. If that idea gets your blood pumping and the thought of “oh god I might die if I approach them, but perhaps there’s a 1% chance I could get some intercourse” enters your mind, that to me is more the posterboard example of a fear boner. In which case I have to say no, this isn’t something I really experience when imagining sexy scenarios. I do argue there’s something to be said for injecting fear into sex to make it more exciting, however then we’re talking about real life fucking and that’s an entirely separate can of worms.

My type of girl usually has eyes, thanks though.

I’m hoping I was able to articulate what I perceive as the difference between a normal simp boner and a true fear boner. Perhaps one day I’ll experience a true fear boner that enlightens me to the appeal. Until then it’s time to plan out which Halloween party to crash. Have you gotten a fear boner before? Do you think there’s a difference between a fear boner and a power imbalance boner? Have I said boner enough for one month? Fuck some ghosts, run from zombies, and hold your breath to avoid detection in the comments below! 

Anon - ? 1 year ago
I don't know anything about all this, but I would imagine a fear boner is in line with people getting boners with NTR or watching cheating shit, those without the fetish I mean. Like, your penis is physically reacting to the sexual nature of something regardless of how your mind/heart is feeling about the situation.
jupmod 1 year ago
Nope, not ever happened to me. I had the usual case of morning wood when I first hit puberty, yet for my entire life, I had normal boners.
kelb 1 year ago
Nah. My fight-or-flight is wired way harder to fight so anything that causes a fear response makes me feel agitated and violent more than scaroused.
Anon - Nono 1 year ago
im a licensed monsterfucker so yes
Anon - FightPain 1 year ago
Hard not to laugh at the start XD
EatsBush 1 year ago
This is interesting. I never thought of it relative to what I'm scared of, but rather what is traditionally scary. Like, most people would be genuinely scared of the second girl, and a few of them would also be turned on hence the fear boner. I don't find her scary, but just attractive in an exciting way, so I guess I can't call it a fear boner. How about, a "thrill boner"? Dangerous but not scary
Noah_Webster 1 year ago
MrObvious 1 year ago
I have yet to also encounter a legit fear boner. Then again some of our favorite waifus are quite capable of terrifying acts, case and point Soifon is a relentless assassin and torturer.