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Did Renard Get What He Deserved?
By ImJustThatKinky β€’ 3 years ago
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Redo of Healer is still punishing villains through sexual means. First Flare gets rape and now Renard! Now I didn’t think I would want to see Renard get raped, but man was I wrong...that sounded better in my head. Listen, the dude is a piece of shit who burned a village down and raped a woman in front of the villagers. He deserves to be raped...or should I say, she deserves to be raped. 

The former piece of shit knight Renard, is now a piece of meat female. The Healer turned Renard into a sexy female just so he could be gang raped by a group of men. This is his punishment for burning a village and raping that women. I feel like it’s completely justified. Hell, I’m mad that I wasn’t invited to the gang bang. Renard was looking like a snack, even if he’s a piece of shit.

Now this looks like a party.

So at the end of the day, Renard got what he deserved. I hope he got killed afterwards also, or atleast turned into the mens sex slave. Some people believe that turning the other cheek is the best thing to do. But if someone you loved was raped by someone, the only cheeks you’d want to turn is their’s. So I support my boy Healer and his conquest to rape the rapist. I wonder how many more rape scenes this show can have until it gets canceled.

Did Renard get what he deserved? Did you think Renard's female form was hot? Would you have joined in on the Renard gang bang? Tell us in the comments.

Tuskor13 3 years ago
Redo of a healer has to be the edgiest trash anime in recent memory. Even Goblin Slayer kept the rape to a single scene, and turned into a good story the moment that scene was over. This is just degenerate wish fulfillment.
Rasendori!!! 3 years ago
But on god this would have been such a better show if this was a full blown hentai and not some shit tier wish fulfillment anime that can be hilarious at the most inappropriate times ( the dick slap)
Anon - Naphtali 3 years ago
Turning the other cheek doesn't mean what you think it does.
The term comes from the bible- and stripped of historical and cultural context it sounds like forgiving those who harm you. With context, it becomes clear that is not the case. It's actually a challenge of the other persons righteousness. I'd explain in detail, but wordcount is limited.
Rasendori!!! 3 years ago
YES. Yes except for the penis. No because i'm not gay/don't wanna die in a fire
but this show is so cartoonishly edge so it really doesn't matter. Rapeist hero can heal everything except whatever fuck his mom/sister or whatever had and she just closes her eyes and dies lol.
tanakaba 3 years ago
This was where I dropped the manga. Sure, it's fine to punish Renard and all, but he basically mind-controlled all those soldiers to perform the rape and killed them all by burning them in a building. They probably didn't get any more choice in being soldiers than the MC got being a heal-slut.
MrObvious 3 years ago
Not into rape so no I wont join in, but given Renard's monstrous atrocities I'll look the other way. In this series it's a crappy world where no one is innocent or is broken so it's to be expected.
---------------- 3 years ago
On the one hand, the "Eye for an eye" method is pretty fucked up in this context; it implies that rape isn't wrong, just that raping the innocent is, which not a good view to take. On the other hand, taking it as a punishment that is exactly equal to the crime is at least fair and proportional, and thus just (if not moral or ethical).
CONT ==>
anonttt 3 years ago
No because the anime rushed past fem-Renard rape scene just to give us another threesome. I very much appreciate that we got a MC that isn't afraid of humping his harem and we sort of get to see him fuck them (the negative Ishuzoku Reviewers has) but that's not the only reason Redo was so hyped up. The "immoral" scenes peaked at episode 2.
shintigercurl 3 years ago
if you want a revenge isekai that isn't filled with rape, i'd suggest "The Hero Who Seeks Revenge Shall Exterminate with Darkness". similar plot but extremely little in the way of sexual assault. plus, the vengence moments are so damn poetic and cathartic to watch.
exodusee7 3 years ago
Considering what horrible shit Renard's done, he got exactly what he deserved. And no, I would not, because
he still has his dick.