A series that I love dearly, DanganRonpa, pretty much was in limbo after its third mainline installment DanganRonpa V3 released. After the third game, many people who were a part of making the DanganRonpa series what it is today, went on to work on other projects. There were rumors and word that DanganRonpa V3 would be the last DanganRonpa game. UNTIL TODAY!!!
Well, it’s pretty fucking close to a DanganRonpa game. The Hundred Line -Last Defense Academy- looks like DanganRonpa, from its art style, plot, world, and character design. The only real difference in the strategy gameplay of it all, instead of the mystery point and click game the DanganRonpa series is known for.
Wait a minute.
If I’m being honest, the gameplay doesn’t really scream fun to me. I’m actually a big fan of strategy RPGs, like Fire Emblem, and recent banger, Unicorn Overlord, but for some reason, the gameplay footage they showed just isn’t hitting with me yet.
But that can all change once I actually get my hands on the game, my only real problem right now is that it seems to be a Switch exclusive, and since I hate the Switch, that’s a let down. But the game is released in 20225, so they have a lot of time to change their mind, and put it on a console that matters. I’ll be keeping my eyes out on this game.
Does The Hundred Line -Last Defense Academy- look interesting to you? Do you think the gameplay looks fun? Did you like the DanganRonpa series? Tell us in the comments.
Oh would ya look at that, I got Bingo already!