Now I’m not here to spread my boobs hate, today is a day to celebrate boobs. I’ve already written a article on the most glorious ASSspect of a woman, and the day we as men celebrate it. BUTT now, I was recently also informed of a lesser known holiday that many celebrate in Japan. And that holiday would be #いいおっぱいの日.
November the 8th is for all the boob lovers out there. Now I feel like this holiday makes more sense than the butt day for Japanese people. You always see girls with big breasts in anime. It seems like for anime, they have a checklist making sure at least one female character has boobs that are bigger than her head. Now it’s not like I don’t like boobs, they can give hands great things to grab and hold on to, but they never gave me the same tingling, naughty feeling that asses do. But boobs are also something to appreciate and admire. And I would like to show you how us American artist show their appreciation for, いいおっぱいの日.
What do you think of いいおっぱいの日? Are you a boobs man? Do you like ass or boobs more? Tell us in the comments.
Cope hard shitters.