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Baal Will Slay You And Your Dick
By ImJustThatKinky • 2 years ago

We’re here to talk more about the Genshin Impact Inazuma update, and the waifus it brought. And today, we're here to talk about the big bad of the update. The one with the huge sword and huge boobs, Baal.

Baal is a bad ass bitch. She’ll kick your ass with her glare alone. She has long, dark purple hair, a japanese kimono, huge ass tits that could poke your eyes out, and a sword that comes from her tits that could also poke your eyes out. She definitely gives off strong MILF vibes, and I love it. She is a wonderful addition to the Genshin Impact waifus roster, and also a wonderful addition to the villains. 

What do you think of Baal? Would you be afraid to approach Baal? Is she a super hot villain character? Tell us in the comments.