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Audio Doujins: Risky Encounters
By ImJustThatKinky β€’ 2 weeks ago
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Just hitting a few drinks with the girl friend is always a nice time. It’s a better time than getting roped into a sus situation with a girl that you met in a subway train. Luckily for you, both encounters end on a good note, so don’t worry too much. Just let these girls treat you well, as well as the female voice actress for these characters, Yunadere, treaded my ears.

Girls voiced by Yunadere

Did you like the audio doujin? What would you like to hear next? Would you like to be in one of these sus situations? Tell us in the comments.

God Revan 5 days ago
Her casting for Showing: Airdrop was perfect.

Paipo Anti-Smoking Aid? Terrible choice. Her voice doesn't match the overall look of the character.