Porn group Soft on Demand have revealed plans for a "theme park for adults" in Tokyo's Shinjuku ward.
Soft on Demand already have a couple of locations that let patrons get as close to AV stars as they can possibly get without needing a filming permit or resulting in a restraining order, but the aptly-named SOD Land is their most ambitious site yet. Located among plenty of love hotels and hostess clubs in the infamous red light district Kabukicho, the five floor building features different themes on each floor, each staffed by (fully clothed) AV idols.
Starting from the bottom: the basement hosts the Newcomer Adult Film Actress Floor, where customers can visit the SOD Fresh-Faced Female Employee Pub. This casual bar is operated by actresses who are soon to debut or have recently debuted in a SOD video. The first floor holds a reception area along with a gift shop, gacha machines and photo booth. Upstairs in the Kakubutsu Salon, customers can drink with employees of the fuzoku industry, which includes hostess clubs, massage parlors and soaplands. The Syain bar in the Famous Adult Actress Floor above features some of SOD's more well-known talent. Finally, conversation between customers is prohibited in the top floor's VIP Silent Bar so they can focus on the swimwear-clad AV idols mixing their drinks behind a one-way mirror. Here's a diagram of how the place is expected to look, complete with covid protection in place:
Unlike more typical hostess clubs, customers of SOD Land only pay for what they order and not whatever the girls drink, as well as a ¥500 (US $4.70) cover charge for 30 minutes. It's set to open its doors on October 10, exactly a week after my birthday. Any chance I can set up a GoFundMe to take me there as a birthday present?
What do you guys think of SOD Land? Would you like to drink and chat with women you've seen in porn? Which floor would you like to visit the most? Let us know in the comments!
This is a bad idea.
Also, given that this is from the studio that brought us Let's Get Fight and Hito Natsu No ChuChu, I was hoping there'd be a space for live nude performances.