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More Bleach Lewds is Not a Meme
By ImJustThatKinky • 2 years ago
•  10727  •   13 10

I hope you guys are enjoying the new Bleach and the lewds that’s coming with it. I know I kind of trolled you people with NTR Orihime art, and I’m sorry about that, please forgive me. So today, as an apology, I’ll treat you guys to some more wholesome and naughty Bleach art, from our man Aestheticc Meme.

Give the girls that matter the spotlight. I feel like most will agree that Yoruichi, Orihime, and Rangiku, are some of the hottest girls in Bleach. I see that Aestheticc still drew them in their old Bleach designs, so I’m hoping to see some art of them in their new Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War designs. I’m also hoping to see Aestheticc draw some of the new girls that show up in this arc.

I'm waiting for these hotties.

Are you happy to see more Bleach NSFW art? Do you think Yoruichi, Orihime, and Rangiku are the hottest three girls in Bleach? Would you like Aestheticc Meme draw some of the new Bleach girls? Tell us in the comments.

jupmod 2 years ago (edited 2 years ago)
I don't mind more Bleach doujins and lewds of the Bleach ladies. So many of them that are so hot, not just Rangiku, Rukia, Orihime, and Yoruichi. :)
MrObvious 2 years ago
It's great alright. Yoruichi tops the list for me especially all mucky and smelly as she is in the top image^. If Meme expands his roster to include more Bleach ladies it will be a runaway hit, there's too much potential especially since skin tight gym clothes are involved.
Anon - Giguck 2 years ago
Beware black hair a boy
B4EVAH 2 years ago
Who are your top Bleach waifus? Mine are Rukia, Rangiku, Nelliel, Yoruichi and basically all the female characters in soul society.
Anon - VS 2 years ago
And they had to wait till anime gets back, cause apparently they forgot about it, or havent read the manga, lol.
Same shit with Pieck... She was in the manga for some time, but only after the anime only perverts saw her, it opened the flood gates.
Anon - 2010 2 years ago
Millhouse is not a meme
Anon - Hamm 2 years ago
We haven't had any ichihime doujins in forever. I think there's only one on this site
Oddest Ball 2 years ago
Mmmmm. That's good stuff. Just don't ask for Giselle Gewelle.