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Are You Down For Some Phone Sex?
By ImJustThatKinky • 3 years ago

With everyone finding relationships online, and most of the time them being long distance, you have to find different ways to get you and your partner off. And now with the coronavirus going around and the pandemic, it’s making it harder for people to visit one another. So if you want to have a sexual encounter with your special someone, the phone is your best bet.

Now me personality, I’m a virgin in so many ways, and I feel like phone sex is also a place where my virginality lies. I never had many girls who wanted to talk to me on the phone, let alone have phone sex with me. So this is just me talking less from experience, and more from expectations. I’ve flirted and teased on the phone before, like saying sexy and naughty things to get the other flustered. But full on acting like we’re having sex but just using our words, never did that before. To do something like that there would have to be so much set up. Making sure that you’re free and no one is going to interrupt you two’s phone session. Your house is empty and you don’t live with someone. Making sure that you have a good grasp of what you’re going to say so you don’t stumble on your words. There’s so much you have to be ready for and I feel like there’s just too much room for fuck ups.

Don't think you're doing a good job, she's just fucking someone else on the other side.

I feel like phone sex can be an interesteing thing for a long distance couples to explore, but it’s just something that seems like it can turn into a messy and awkward situation if not done right.

Have you ever had phone sex before? Would you have phone sex? Are you scared of fucking up during phone sex conversations? Tell us in the comments.