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Anime Charaters Who Wear Bandages on Their Face
By ImJustThatKinky • 4 years ago
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We all hurt ourselves before. Scraped our knees or elbows on the playground doing backflips while trying to impress a girl. When that happens, the best thing to do is cover it up with a bandage. You’ll usually keep the bandage on for like maybe a week or two, but anime characters, nah, we keep that bandage on for life.

His nose is forever broken.

This is another anime thing that was always weird to me. Characters just have random bandages on their body, usually on their face. The most common places are the nose and the cheeks. I don’t think they ever really got hurt there, it’s just something they have on them to look cool. It’s usually placed on fighting type characters. The hot heads who fight with their fist. The person who always comes to mind is my boi Akihiko from Persona 3.

Now I’m a weeb, but I was a huge weeb when I was younger. I actually thought of just faking an injury and putting a bandage on my nose or cheeks. Hell, I think I may have done it once. But would it actually look cool in real life, or just dumb as fuck? I’m not sure, how about you ask Nell, and see what he thought about it.

My boi Nelly been watching too much anime.

What do you think about the bandage aesthetic? What characters do you think about when you think about the bandage aesthetic? Have you ever thought of putting a bandage on your face just like anime characters? Tell us in the comments.

MrObvious 4 years ago
It's one of those Japanese aesthetics that seems odd yet it talks about character. For me it serves as confirmation that the waifu in question is worth it and my type, rough and tumble and you know the rest.
Anon - Anon 4 years ago
How the hell is Kiss X Sis still ongoing, jesus christ.
daherr 4 years ago (edited 4 years ago)
Won't that develop into an infection though? Gotta change it every time
Nk17 4 years ago
It's definitely a cool aesthetic
Keemari 4 years ago
Hmm the character I think of most with the Bandage thing is Kenichi from Worlds Strongest Disciple. Always sad the anime never got finished or continued despite the cheapness in later shots but I enjoyed the manga quite a lot.
Lervicus 4 years ago
Maybe the nose one is a breathe right strip.