I wanted to wait till the first season of Jujutsu Kaisen was over to write this article, and I’m happy I did, cause I can now say without any regrets that Jujutsu Kaisen might be one of my favorite anime at the moment!...what? Still too soon?
So happy we're getting a season 2.
I hate saying this already, but damn was the first season good as fuck. If you haven’t seen it, then I would suggest you go and do that. You won’t be disappointed. There are shows that are must watch for anime fans, and I feel like this is becoming one of those. This is totally a must watch for anyone who’s into shonen. Jujutsu Kaisen easily beats out Black Clover, One Piece, and Bourto for me. The only one left at that point is My Hero Academia, and I love me some My Hero, I really do, but Jujutsu just has that extra spice about it. When a show can make me feel depressed and sad for a character I only really knew for 3 episodes, you know they’re doing something right.
This picture gets me every time.
I don’t want to call it too soon, I don’t want to seem that I’m riding on the hype. But the animation, music, style, characters, story, EVERYTHING about it, it’s just looking like a win to me. Demon Slayer was hype and popular, and I still didn’t give it the greatest shonen out there award. I still felt like My Hero was better than it, so I’m pretty sure I’m not just hopping on the hype train. Jujutsu is ACTUALLY just that good. So yes, at this point, I think Jujutsu might be the best shonen that’s currently out. But once the Shibuya arc gets animated, that’s when it becomes the best shonen of ALL TIME!
What happens in the Shibuya arc, stays in the Shibuya arc.
What do you think about Jujutsu Kaisen? Do you think Jujutsu is the best current shonen? Are there shonens you enjoy more than Jujutsu Kaisen? Tell us in the comments.
What happens in Shibuya, stays in the Underground.