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Is Kiriko Going To Revive The Overwatch 2 Hype?
By ImJustThatKinky • 1 year ago

Overwatch 2 hasn’t been getting the best reception from people so far. Many aren’t liking the direction it’s going and that it looks more like an expansion than a sequel. Well, as a porn Overwatch watcher only and never playing it before, I really don’t care about the seemingly bad direction it’s going. If it keeps pumping out hot waifus for animators to lewd, then I’m happy. And the recent character trailer reveal is providing just that, with new girl Kiriko.

Overwatch 2 might be a shit game so far, but man if they aren’t already killing it with the waifus. Kiriko is already a winner on day one, she’s super hot. She kind of gives me D.VA vibes, even though one is Korean and the other one is Japanese (that might be racist of me to compare the two). But gameplay wise, she reminds me of a healer Genji. I really do like her Japanese kitty cat design, and I guess I’m not the only one who likes it, cause she already has some lewds of her.

Sorry girl, begging people to not lewd you will just make people want to lewd you more.

With her being the new healer of the game, I’m wondering how people feel about her compared to Mercy. I know for me personally, I’m more of a Kiriko fan than Mercy. If I was the teammate who was forced to be a boring healer, I would definitely play Kiriko over Mercy.

Mercy don't look too happy about that.

What do you think of Kiriko? Who is hotter, Kiriko or Mercy? Are you hype for Overwatch 2? Tell us in the comments.