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Tifa's Blowjob and Titjob Animation Has an English Dub
By ImJustThatKinky • 4 years ago
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If you’ve been in the hentai game for a long time, I’m sure you must have ran into this Tifa Boobjob animation once. It’s an old classic porn for Final Fantasy fans, and for the hentai fans. Well this animation had a Japanese dub, which is not surprising, but the surprising thing is that it had a French dub! A French dub and not an English dub?! That's outrageous! Well, a great creator by the name of Unski113d created the English dub that we all wanted, with the help of voice talent Chloe Angel.

Fireside with Tifa - English Dubbed

This was perfectly done and I’m so happy that I was able to live long enough to see this happen. Times are changing, and we’re getting more and more English dubs for things that I would have never thought would get one. And they’re actually good! I’m happy that I live in the age of English dubbed hentai. Please boss. Give us more English dub hentai Unski113d.

What did you think of Chloe’s performance’s? Have you seen this video before? Are you happy to see it get an English dub? Tell us in the comments.

MrObvious 4 years ago
It's pretty good. Saw this long ago and always wondered if it will ever be in English, glad to see it's been tackled. Getting a tit job from Tifa will make ANY guy erupt multiple times from raw pleasure and her cute sexiness!
Deku Scrub 4 years ago
Oh maan! Who knew u can get nostalgic over hentai! There was one with Nami too! Is it the same animation group?
Eroforever 4 years ago
I remember this one fondly. It takes true quality eroticism to make a straight guy hard and not show a tit. This was an amazing vid.
Anon - YummyOnionUnion 4 years ago
Either this month or next, hentaiVR is going to be releasing a remake of this classic scene. ;) keep an eye out.
TheKapparino 4 years ago
Where can I find the french version?
DesRed 4 years ago
My gawd this as old as the "Meet N' Fuck" series, but this I'm glad to see THIS again! Wish we could get old as dirt flash series like "Jake's Booty Call" nowadays.
Anon - Anony Bob 4 years ago
Why do a lot of VAs have that tone?