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An Interview with Kuro: Cute, Sexy Purple Fox Girl
By Kasaix • 7 years ago
•  17424  •   1 4


Kasaix: Greetings, people of Doujins! I'm here with Kuro, someone I happened upon while browsing Facebook. The art, especially the mascot, immediately captured my attention and I clicked 'like' faster than necessary. After following Kuro's work for a while, I knew I had to talk to the artist and share her work with you fine art aficionados.

Thanks for hanging out, Kuro. How's it going?

Kuro: It's going pretty well, I'm excited to be able to talk with you ^^

Kasaix: Hehe ^_^
So, tell me about yourself. What made you get into art?

Kuro: Well, I've been doing art since I was a young girl. I loved watching anime with my Dad, and he's the one that encouraged me to try my hand at drawing in anime style in the first place. From filling out multiple sketchbooks and coloring in my manga books, to doing professional digital art on my tablet, It's been quite the long journey.

Kasaix: And Kuro's dad wins father of the year for that.
You practiced on sketch books and coloring in manga books, did you receive a professional art education, or is all of your skill self-taught?

Kuro: I'm self-taught, barring some highschool art classes on the basics, and of course the ever useful drawing resources and tutorials provided by the internet! ^^


Kasaix: Ah yes, there really is a free online tutorial for everything.
Kuro the purple-haired fox is your mascot, right? Could you tell us about her? How she first came about, what she's like, and so forth?

Kuro: Yes, Kuro is indeed my mascot, although whether she is a kitsune or human depends on the art piece. I made her 4 years ago for a roleplay with some friends, and while she's undergone some changes to her personality and backstory, her design has remained largely the same.

The type of person she is... hmmm...  it's kind of hard to pin down. She's playful and energetic, as well as easily embarrassed and flustered. You could say she has a bit of an obsessive streak, and once something or someone catches her eye she'll get really into it. Overall she's rather sweet, and no matter how many lewds I draw of her, I want to preserve that feeling whenever someone sees my art.


Kasaix: The picture Vixen Kuro certainly shows an embarrassed side, and it's really cute.
If you had one chance to show someone what sort of artist you are, what picture would you show them? Something that shows off your talent.


Kuro: I'm not on my main computer right now, otherwise I'd send you the uncensored version, but I worked really hard on this piece, and it's one of my favorites. If I were to sum my style up, I'd say soft and warm are the defining features

Kasaix: That's what struck me at first, how soft and deep your art is. Every strand of hair looks as soft as silk, Kuro's expressions are readily seen in her eyes and on her face, and it's not just a flat image.
I'll take that uncensored image later though ;>.>


Kuro: Yeah sure thing ^^


Kasaix: What is a dream project for you, something you feel you must work on and complete?


Kuro: Well, I'd love to work on a hentai comic some time in the future. I feel like it's a natural progression at this point, although I'll definitely have to practice more to get there!


Kasaix: I'd love to read it. Would it star Kuro in cute, sexy adventures, or did you have other possible characters in mind?


Kuro: Kuro is my first choice, since drawing her comes very easily to me, but I'd be open to drawing other characters that I like a lot. Female characters from League of Legends or Fate/Grand Order are the most likely options, since I'm a big fan of these games and have grown fond of characters like Sona or Nero


Kasaix: I sincerely hope you get to draw your hentai comic, I'm certain that many people would enjoy it.
Let's wrap this up, shall we? Do you have any final words for your fans?


Kuro: Just a huge thank you to them for supporting my art in any way they can, and to let them know that I appreciate what an amazing fanbase they are! Incredibly respectful, generous, and patient, I'm thankful for them every day!


Kasaix: The fans are definitely feeling the love.
Thank you very much for taking the time to hang out.

Kuro: Thanks for having me, I appreciate your interest in my work!


Another huge thanks to Kuro for taking the time to talk to us. If you’d like to follow her work, she can be found on the following sites:






Chinolee 7 years ago
I think I'm in love with her
Oddest Ball 7 years ago
Not sure how I missed this. Quite good.
Anon - This is a thot character 5 years ago
Anon - This is a thot character 5 years ago