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An Edit I'm Okay With
By ImJustThatKinky • 5 years ago
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I’m usually triggered when I see someone editing an already existing character art to push some kind of agenda, but this is an edit that I’m fine with. People get mad over people making Nessa white, but I’m over here getting mad when people aren’t drawing Melony chubby. Taking away Melony’s chubby goodness takes away from her character and her sexiness. 

The art isn't bad. But a skinny Melony, is not my Melony.

Now that's more like it. Rolls in all the right places.

But funny enough, Melony’s concept art doesn’t really portray the chubby MILF goddess we know and love.

But don’t worry, a lovely person over on Twitter fixed that problem with a little editing.

Now I know that I’ve talked about how I hate when people edit characters in the past, but it’s weird how the original concept design doesn’t portray the plump Melony that we see in the game. I’m fine with an edit if it’s still staying true to the character.


I wonder why the concept art body shape is so different from the game model. Maybe the artist didn’t feel confident in drawing a chubby girl? Whatever the problem was, Melony prove the phrase that big is better.


Okay, maybe that's a little too big...I'll still hit it.

Are you okay with this edit of Melony? Do you like skinny or chubby Melony better? Why is the concept design different from the game model? Tell us in the comments.

Anon - anon 5 years ago
I mean since we are on the subject I feel like people should stop making established characters have grotesquely sized breasts and butt. I tend to like characters as they were designed by their creators. Making changes, especially those sorts of changes just make me feel like the artist is a complete slob or pig. Go find characters who's proportions you DO like instead of ruining this one's.
jupmod 5 years ago
(shrug) To each to his/her own. IMO, this is no different than all the other editing jobs out there - making white guys black, editing out Naruto to replace with Ay fucking Hinata, etc., Sasuke to Naruto, Naruto to Sasuke, etc. If some artists want to slim Melony, that's them. The only thing I don't like is giving women oversized boobs and butts. Ugly.
Anon - Necrod 5 years ago
I was gonna say because the Devs aren't the best and it's their first full 3D game, so it probably didn't translate, but then I remembered that there is at least some body diversity in the latest Pokemon game so all I can think is that maybe something wasn't properly communicated or changed along the way.
Anon - Dudebro 2 years ago
You're a fucking hypocrite. They did the opposite to Mei from overwatch. Hell they're still fucking trying to make her fat.
Fan01 5 years ago
Best poke MILF
panneqaha 5 years ago
All I'm thinking is who the hell is Melony and why should I care? If you're going to make a post about a character, it might be an idea to actually mention what franchise they're from. A lot of people won't know who they are, no matter how popular the franchise is.
Hectotane 5 years ago
Okay HARD MODE Time:

Rick Ross coming out of nowhere WITH NO SHIRT ON, WEARING ONLY HIS UNDERWEAR; thinking he smexy.