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Would You Fuck Elinalisel?!
By ImJustThatKinky • 7 months ago

Mushoku Tensei has still been an enjoyable ride so far, with always introducing characters that I love and enjoy watching. We’re even getting characters that were introduced in season 1, making a return. And one of those characters that didn’t have a main spotlight in season 1, but is now a prominent character, is Elinalise.

Now in season 1, she was portrayed as the girl who’s trying to help Roxy find Roxy and likes to have sex alot, and in season 2…she’s pretty much the same.

She is said to have a curse that forces her to have sex with different men, but at this point, we’re not so sure what’s the cause of it, and what happens if she doesn’t have sex with different men. It’s just hear say, hear say at this point. But the main question is, even knowing this, would I be down with fucking her used up elf pussy?

Like, it’s just sex right? The reviews are high, and every guy seemed to leave pleased. And hell, she even pays you for having sex with HER!!! So it’s kind of a win, win. I’m pretty sure she’s clean and also check if the guy she’s going to fuck is clean as well, so we don’t have to worry about that. And let’s all be honest, she’s HOT as fuck. So the only issue would be your morals. And let me just say, my morals is at a all time low, so I’m down with fucking that elf pussy.

10/10 elf pussy.

Now being in a relationship with this woman, sadly would have to be a def no for me chief. In a recent episode, one brave simp-I mean, stand up gentleman, raised to the challenge, and decides to claim her as his. I’m interested to see how this all turns out, I hope the best for my man. The true definition of “I can fix her”.

I pray for the best for you my king.

What do you think of Elinalisel? Would you have sex with Elinalise? Would you be Elinalise's boyfriend and fix her? Tell us in the comments.