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After I Met That Catgirl, She Got Voice Acting!
By WakeUpSnooze • 4 years ago

Ay man, it’s gaming time. A sex game? With yuri romance routes? That’s adding voice acting? That’s a triple threat of news that I can’t pass up. 

For some context, After I Met That Catgirl, My Questlist Got Too Long! is a RPG/visual novel hybrid game that has already been successfully funded on Kickstarter. The project is being developed by Rascal Devworks, the same people who made Snowed IN. Now, this made me excited since I have a history with this particular situation. You see, I played Snowed IN on the site before and left feeling a bit let down. The writing for the sex was fine, but in this saturated market fine games don’t leave much of an impression. The music, the backgrounds, the art, the U.I. were all solid, but nothing special. At the time I gave the game an average score of 3/5, stating that voice acting would have drastically improved the experience.

So here we are. The team launched an open audition listing on Casting Call Club for their new title (so if any of you are aspiring voice actors, get in there) that started on July 4th and ends on August 4th. These days voice acting can stuff some life into your sex game characters and avoid the pitfall of having them be more cardboard cutouts. I'm personally crossing my fingers that the listing pulls in some amazing talent because the RPG aspects would be a nice refreshment for me from the typical visual novels I review. 

Blue man is just in time for sloppy seconds.

My main concern is that they use the funds effectively. There’s a note on the CCC listing that says they are currently unable to estimate how many lines will be needed. Since the game does have sex scenes, I sincerely hope they’re given priority. Special prices are listed for NSFW lines which gives me hope, but I’ve been fucked over before. That could always mean screaming “ahhh no stop~!” in a cutesy voice after losing a battle. Nothing boggles my mind more than a developer securing funds for a small amount of voice lines, and using said money for a first date or some shit. Perhaps in a pure dating game that’s alright, but when sex is involved? The big difference between mainstream, extremely well- funded games and indie games like this is that I can’t raw dog Makoto in Persona 5. Without the sex this would just be another RPG game, and while the gameplay does look interesting to me, I don’t think the entire industry is quaking in its boots.

I see mouths open, I better hear talking.

Before I go, I did want to mention it’s crazy how useful sites like CCC are for securing voices for games both SFW and NSFW. I’ve seen more and more developers utilizing them lately and I hope that means a larger percentage of games whispering sweet nothings into my ear. As time marches on I find it harder and harder to hand out high scores to games that lack it in my reviews. As a great kid once said: “the future is now, old man.”

Are you excited for some yuri? Hey if you’re not at least be happy for me, a lot of yuri games suck dick. Is voice acting becoming a staple for sex games? Hit me up in the comments below!