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AardvarkianParadise Gives Us a Glimpse Into D.Va's Sex Life
By Pr0nShark2 • 6 years ago
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After a long and, at times dubious absence, Lord Aardvark AKA AardvarkianParadise has released his latest project for all to see! This feature which heralds a potential series in the works for the talented creator, stars Hana “D.Va” Song in some of her down time from being an Overwatch hero and internet gaming icon.

The feature itself runs just over four and a half minutes and serves mostly to tease the idea of the series and might be a little disappointing for any expecting an immediate return to glory for Lord Aardvark. The feature involves D.Va getting bored at home and eventually downloading a new holographic app for her phone and gleefully unlocking extra functions for the sake of adding different outfits—functions with some fine print.

Then, after a few sleepless hours, Ms. Song engages in some really above average pillow-humping along with the really exceptional voice dubbing of SilkyMilk—some really top notch moaning and the level of dirty talk fans of Aardvark’s scripts have come to expect.

The feature ends with the rogue app tracking her PornHub viewing habits and unlocking what appears to be a de facto slut-suit for her to utilize the “Fuck Buddy” function of the app to score some strange. The quality, movements, dubbing, synchronization, etc. are all exceptional—all of which are very on brand for Lord Aardvark. What seems odd about this project is the hesitation—the need to have his fans confirm that they want more of this content rather than just diving ahead.

It’s almost as if something has shaken the artist’s confidence—but that’s merely conjecture.

It is a welcome relief to see more quality content coming from the Aardvarkian camp, especially with creators like UnidentifiedSFM and Opiumud embroiled in renewed conflicts with Patreon’s new ownership team. From the early looks, the poll is overwhelmingly favoring more of D.Va cruising for cock and the AardvarkianParadise Tumblr account promises to be in the final production stages on Blue Star 3.

As for fapability, this project didn’t quite do it for me, below the waist. I do love (LOVE) D.Va and Aardvark’s model is terrific as always—but the shortness of this clip and the lack of what I would describe as “harder” sex acts kept me from enjoying this work as much as I have enjoyed other works of LordAardvark’s

If you haven’t yet, you should definitely check out Rabbit.Hole. Do you agree with the artist’s assertion that D.Va has the best ass in Overwatch? Weigh in below in the comments.

Anon - anon 4 years ago
all this tells me is Dva is a filthy casual who is weak to microtransaction garbage.
OverlordMichael 6 years ago
I can is a good choice but there are also many overwatch female characters that could also been use like Widowmaker or Tracer