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A Fix I’m Okay With
By ImJustThatKinky β€’ 9 months ago
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I’ll be honest, at first, I didn’t understand this tweet. I read it multiple times, and stared at the image like it was a β€œfind the different” picture. But I couldn’t notice anything, so I had to read the comments before I could understand what was going on.

I didn’t notice when I was watching Kaiju No.8, but yeah, she has no muscle. She just got those normal anime muscles. You can’t see them, but everyone in the show can. There's nothing wrong with her having noodle arms, and still being seen as strong. It’s anime after all, that’s the art style. But NidhoggN decided to β€œfix” the art, depending on your taste.

Now this is a fix I can get behind. Usually it’s people turning a black character white, or a white character black, or a hot girl fat, a lot of stupid things. But this, giving Mina some muscles when someone mentions her having muscles, feels appropriate. NidhoogN is known for his hot muscle girls, so this is on brand for them, and I hope we get an actual art piece of Mina from them.

What do you think of the β€œfix”? Do you think Mina looks hotter with muscles? Would you like to see NidhoggN expand on this? Tell us in the comments.

Reinz 9 months ago
Nah, it's fine as it is. Only you westerners who get concerned with thing like this.
eternalexile 9 months ago
She's supposed to be the elite of a fighting troop, and other characters are commenting on it. She's meant to have more muscle definition, even if muscle isn't the primary route to power in this verse.
Anon - Anonymous A 9 months ago
Westerners still not understanding they're not the police of the World and should FIX that attitude of a spoiled brat instead.
Anon - blueberry 9 months ago
love those muscles. Makes sense for the story, and are hot!
WM-R 9 months ago
I think I was more annoyed with that initial Tweet more than anything. "Please fix this", as if it was obvious and needed no further explanation. Like... they couldn't be assed to go "Yeah, can really see all that muscle she's talking about, huh?" or something like that?

I can totally see the wisdom in making someone noted for muscle look noticeably muscular, but is that just the artstyle?
MrObvious 9 months ago
Hmm, I did not really notice it either. Yes, she's looking smoking^.
Anon - sucksface 9 months ago
nah, it was ruined in the "fix" you worthless monkey.
Hectotane 9 months ago
I agree with this.
DemonLordX8 9 months ago
What's this anime name?