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Thank You Rule 34
By ImJustThatKinky • 5 years ago
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Some people might say that Rule 34 ruined their childhood, but I believe that Rule 34 improved my childhood. All the cartoon characters that I never thought could be hot, became hot. And all the cartoon characters that I thought were hot, became hotter. Rule 34 made all the characters that were illegal, legal. Rule 34 is a blessing that came from the gods, and we should be grateful for it’s exist.  

Mandy from Billy and Mandy

Velma from Scooby Doo

Franky from Foster Home for Imaginary Friends

Mable from Gravity Fall

Raven from Teen Titan

Sandy Cheeks from Sponge Bob

Let’s also pour one out for the boy Zone, who kickstarted my love for Rule 34. I also think it’s safe to say that he makes some of, if not the best, Rule 34 animations out there.

I honestly need to go back and rewatch this.

Who is a character you love seeing being Rule 34ed? Does Rule 34 improve your childhood, or ruin it? Is Zone the king of Rule 34 life? Tell us in the comments below.