Help us fight spam!

By Fanged-Mori • 2 weeks ago

This is it, guys. The final part.

You know the drill by now, we have analytics of what you guys like, and I want to talk to you about them!

This time we are opening up with a strong one- literally.

MUSCULAR WOMEN, believe it or not the fetish for big, bemuscled babes has been on the rise in recent times, and while there are a lot of reasons I can think of why that may be, correlation does not imply causation and we all know that the internet is frying our brains anyways


Trust is hard to earn with girls, and they usually trust guys as far as they can throw them. So, if she is able to throw me way way far, it's a sure fire and quick way to a wonderful, functional and healthy relationship.... no?

My delusions aside, this slot is covered this week by Jujutsu Shoujo 3.0, the latest entry of TOPGUN's Jujutsu Kaisen parody series. As always, he tends to draw his girls, both thicker and sturdier than their original counterparts, but that just adds to the appeal. This issue you get to enjoy Maki, Nobarta and Mai in sexy swimsuits running the gamut of hentai opponents, from futanaris to shotas and reaching tentacle monsters. It's a wild ride.


To close out this series we end with what is now a staple of hentai, not a week goes by without at least one of these coming out on our TL updates, and frankly, it gives a bit of a disturbing look into the psyche of the average reader.

We are talking hypnosis. Be it a drug, an app or good-old pendulums, there is no shortage of doujins where a girl gets her free will robbed easily and then extensively used as sexual relief. Some other staples within the genre include the moment were the hypnosis is removed in the middle of the act, or the inevitable fall to dick by the end of the story.

This slot is covered by site favorite Makuragi Zabuton with Hypnosis Drug -Doing As You Please With The Virgin Disciplinary Committee Member-. This promises to be a series, starting out with this issue where a high school science club does the impossible and creates a quick acting, infallible hypnosis drug and use it to have their way with a poor disciplinary committee member that came to their clubroom to scold them. Kind of weird to have a situation where you can fuck however you want and you choose to use it alongside your bros for a devil's 3v1 though, just saying...


As with the very similar rape tag, it's not as bad if it stays in the realm of fantasy. But damn, it still makes you think.


But let he who is without sin cast the first stone. I am certainly not that person, so you guys just enjoy what you want, we will be watching the numbers with a mix of amusement, concern and scientific curiosity.