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Would You Fuck a Palico?
By ImJustThatKinky β€’ 2 years ago
β€’  8337  β€’   5 β€’ 16

I’m pretty sure most people on this site aren't into animals. So fucking a cat is staight up gross for most of us. But what about fucking a Palico? That’s different right? 

"Please don't fuck me."

I know what most of you are thinking? Isn’t fucking a Palico the same as fucking a cat? And my answer to that is…shut the fuck up! But, it’s always crazy when an amazing artist can just draw something and make you get horny for something you would have never thought in your wildest dreams would make you feel that way. Well, Krekkov has broken me and made me into a Palico fucker.

I even showed these pictures to some of my friends, and they felt the same way as I did. They couldn’t understand why the fuck the Palico looked like a snack, in more ways than one. I might not be proud of it, but Krekkov might have converted me into a furry and a Palico fucker, and I’m here to bring you guys down with me.

Would you fuck Krekkov Palico? Have you seen Krekkov’s art before? Have you been converted by art to like something you never thought you would? Tell us in the comments.

Anon - Anon 2 years ago
No. Because i dont fuck animals
---------------- 2 years ago
How did you get through this without any "A cat is fine too" memes?
Anon - THAT GUY 2 years ago
"Would you fuck a Palico?"
"Would you stop making shitty VA appearances?"
"There's your answer."
Anon - SnakeIsDead29 2 years ago
Fuck no
exodusee7 2 years ago
No YOU shut the fuck up with your fictional beastiality. Hell no would I fuck something that is clearly an animal.
Anon - Doujinking20 2 years ago
kaizerdark 2 years ago
My personal code is never have sex with someone you wouldn't be willing to spend the rest of your life and have children with so.... As long as everyone involved is there because they want to be then sure.
Anon - Anonymus 2 years ago
I prefer the Ara Ara twins thx.
tanakaba 2 years ago (edited 2 years ago)
I welcome tanned and fit cuties if they are just more human like the average cat/dog girl with just ears/tail. Monster hunting is 100% better with a waifu.

Call them Galicos and Galamutes.
MrObvious 2 years ago
Nah. Would rather share my bed with a sweet yet deadly Kunoichi with her firm bod and scruffy yet disciplined state.