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Would You Fuck a Ditto?
By ImJustThatKinky • 3 years ago

The question on every Pokemon trainer's mind is, would you fuck a Ditto? I’m sure every horny teenage Pokemon trainer thought about it once. Hell, how could they not.You go on your Pokemon journey as a teenage, hit puberty, and all you can think about is sex. You wouldn’t want to have sex with a Pokemon cause that would be weird and probably bad in the Pokemon world. But with a Ditto and it’s transforming ability, you can just tell it to turn into a human to avoid any weird Pokemon fucking right?

A face only a mother can love.

This concept was drawn out before by artist Shadman. And unlike the game where when Ditto turns into the Pokemon, it looks exactly like the Pokemon. In the anime, Ditto transforms into the Pokemon, while still keeping its weird beaded eyed face. So using a Ditto as a substitute girlfriend, might not really work out since people would be able to tell that you’re holding hands with a Ditto. You fucking loser. But having sex with it, that might be alittle different. People don’t have to know that you fucked a Ditto, and you can get your nut off in private and secret. A win win. 

Luckily Dittos aren’t hard to capture, so you shouldn’t have a problem finding yourself a new sex buddy. Dittos might be more expensive than dildos or blow up dolls since you’ll have to feed it, but at least it’s the closest thing you’ll get to the real thing in the Pokemon world without finding a girlfriend.

Would you fuck a Ditto? Would you try to make it your girlfriend? Is it wrong to try a fuck a Ditto? Tell us in the comments.