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Will Shenhe Boobs Get Nerf?
By ImJustThatKinky • 3 years ago
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With Genshin Impact having their 2.4 live stream and announcing a lot of new stuff for the game, people are excited and hype to get back in. Someone that made this event hype is Shenhe herself.

With her sexy English voice and character model finally being revealed, people are already getting their money ready to roll for her. And I bet the porn artists are ready to draw her after seeing how big her boobs are.

I knew they were going to be big, but for some reason, they seem like the biggest tits out of the whole female caset, even bigger than Ei’s. I’m not sure if just seeing them in motion make them seem bigger than they are, but they look hella big. Which makes me wonder if they’re going to get nerfed before release. Rosaria, another female character in Genshin Impact, got her tits nerfed in size before she was actually released. So that makes you wonder, will Shenhe tits be downgraded before her character model actually drops in game.

Atleast they didn't nerf her ass.

Either way, at least that can never take away how hot she is in general. Censorship is always a pain, so hopefully she stays true to what they first had her as. Yun Jin already has the sexy lolita fetish covered, let us have another mom milkers. They already nerfed her stomach, don’t go for the tits next.

Did you check out the Genshin Impact 2.4 livestream? Do you think Shenhe has huge boobs? Do you think Shenhe boobs will get nerfed? Tell us in the comments.

Anon - Mei 3 years ago
Want to remind everyone that Rosaria's "nerf" was due to her using a non-standard character model in her trailer. When she was put in the game, she was given the standard female frame.
Hectotane 3 years ago
Shenhe's okay. I've gotten use to China nerfing characters like her.

But the main chaos was caused over Yunjin; by the lot of uncultured people who never went to a live theatre play or heard of "Peking Opera."