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Why I'm Just That Kinky For Chikan
By ImJustThatKinky • 6 years ago
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Man, it sucks that there’s no trains or subways where I leave (we only got the sandwich place Subway but that’s besides the point). The joy of being in a crowd of smelly people who are angry and agitated after getting off a long days of stressful work. A joy But that’s not even the best part. The best part is that since there’s so many people all jumbled up together that it’s total fine when you accidently press up against a woman’s body. Yeah...accidently. So let’s figure out why I’m Just That Kinky For...

This kink was suggested by our frequent visitor HazardPhoenix. You’re super awesome. You can also suggest a kink for me to cover if you ever so like to (Oh and if you hate this series and didn’t want it to comeback you can blame HazardPhoenix for that, he’s the dumbass who suggested this.)

Why I Like Chikan

Chikan is the kind of thing that can be sexy when it’s consensual or non-consensual (I’m talking about in doujins not in real life so calm down). The thought of a girl being pressed up against the a subway door with no real means of escape, while you’re just behind her hoping that she doesn’t make to much noise. So damn risky! It’s a whole different ball game from just public sex, it’s that times 50 more people around you which raises your chance of getting caught to 50 percent more likely. And I like it the other way around. A girl behind me, pressing me up against the subway door, jerking me off with no way for me to escape. So damn risky...and hot!


You cn just tell by her face that she's having the time of her life.

What Would I Do If I Got Chikaned

In most doujins, you’ll see the girl who is getting chikaned no do the simple thing of screaming for help, instead they just stand there quietly and take it. Well, depending on who it is and what they’re doing to me, I’ll probably do the same thing. If it’s the infamous fat ugly guy that we see plaguing doujins all the time, you better bet your ass that I’m screaming, like a little girl at that. And if not scream, the boy going to get these hands. But if it was a woman who did it to me, I’m not quite sure. If she’s like just jerking me off, I’m pretty sure I’ll be fine. But, if she wanted to fuck my ass with s strap-on then...I’m not sure. Who the fuck would believe me if I said some woman just want to jerk me off in the sunway against my will, they’ll probably believe that I force her to jerk me off before they believe my dumb horny ass!

"Finally, I'm getting chikan by a hot woman-I mean, help, someone help! This woman is jerking me off againist my will and I do not like it?"

So would do you like chikan? Would you mind gitting chikaned? Would you help someone who was getting chikaned? Tell us in the comments below.