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What's in an OP? Edition RWBY Volume 6
By ImJustThatKinky • 5 years ago

RWBY Volume 6 is finally out for all you RWBY fans out there. After volume 5, RWBY kind of became a meme show for me. The writing quality dropped, bad lines and delivery took precedent, and fights didn’t have the usual flair that they’re known for. Don’t even get me started on the whole “Jaune tripped on thin air while trying the attack Cinder” thing. You call that good writing? But with the new RWBY Volume 6 Opening which foreshadows a good bit while also being slick in visuals and music, let’s hope that the opening is an accurate representation of the show.

While jamming out to this opening multiple times with my friend Imaginary, we started analyzing the opening and found a lot of hidden and not-so-hidden meanings behind the shots. That lead to some deep speculation, so I wanted to share some with you guys and see what you think.

    1. The first shot I want to talk about is the group shot at 0:07 to 0:10. It’s a pretty normal group shot of the main cast with Weiss ending it off taking center stage. Weiss is very prevalent in this opening, showing how much she changed throughout the series, so I wouldn’t be surprised if this was a Weiss heavy volume.

    2. At 0:16 through 0:28, you various group shots, showing off their different state of minds and place at that point in time. Ren and Nora display their newfound affection for each other. Jaune, already stands geared up for departure, before fucking up (like he always does) and knocking a book out of Oscar’s hands that lands on the worn out mindset of Qrow.

    Next we see Weiss and Ruby running together inside the train, showing how much they’ve grown closer together before we see the opposite with Blake and Yang. Blake gives the two a joyful smile before turning around with a frown and Yang holds her frown throughout before taking a look outside the window revealing Adam, most likely showing how Blake has moved on from Adam but Yang still has a focus on him. Or is she? Since Blake turns her head at the exact moment that Adam appears, it could either be her focus or both of them sharing a deep hatred for the boy.

    3. 0:30 through 0:42, we’re introduced to a new granny character zooming into her goggle eyes before zooming into Ruby’s eyes. This could show that the granny has silver eyes or once had silver eyes and will now teach Ruby more about them.

    After this we see a Qrow walking away drinking before he is grabbed and dragged into the darkness. This could be foreshadowing Qrow’s death like some people are saying (if Qrow dies I riot) but I believe it’s more showing how this journey has taken a toll on him and how he uses alcohol to cope with that problem while he slowly succumbs to it and the damage he’s taken from Tyrian.

    You then see Ruby fighting back the same hands, maybe showing that she was slowly giving in to her own failures or recent failures before smacking them back, trying her best to avoid dealing with them.

    4.  0:43 through  0:47 we’re introduced to another new character who is walking in the rain and covered by a hood. Or is she? This appears to be  Cinder which you can see more later on in the opening. She is surprise by a hat similar to Roman’s before it is slashed off screen. With the umbrellas from the townsfolk that circle her and the hat , it is likely that we’ll be seeing the return of Roman and Neo. Or at least Neo.

    5. 0:50 through 0:54, we get to see a shot of the villains. Hazel is still being the brute boy he is and Tyrian is slashing around to show why he is still best boy. Emerald displays a face of sadness while Mercury matches her for a while, only to flip that frown upside down and turn it into a smile before Watts is cut in the middle between the two.

    I believe this is showing Emerald and Mercury’s different attitudes towards the “loss” of Cinder. Emerald experience sadness since she actually had a relationship with Cinder. Mercury’s calm demeanor instead shows he was neutral about his boss. Watts could be the one to split the two’s relationship apart, and may even be the one who sent a revived Roman and Neo to find Cinder after hearing that she may be still alive, since we know they did not get along well.

    6. 1:13 through 1:16 displays a fight with the hooded figure, Cinder, vs a person or people we can’t see. In the shot you can determine that the hooded person has a skeletal left arm like Cinder and is swinging the same sword we’ve seen Cinder use. While fighting the figure smacks away two bullets, like Roman’s cane that he used to engage in combat at range, and when the figure came in to attack they are suddenly knocked back, the same way Neo knocks back and counters her opponents with her umbrella.  

    7. And lastly at 1:20 through 1:30 the fight scene with the whole RWBY team takes the stage. Blake and Yang are fighting on separate sides fighting and dealing with their own problems, while Weiss and Ruby are fighting together in the middle, helping each other out.

    And when you see the ending group shot, Ruby and Weiss are still together as Weiss helps Ruby up, and Blake and Yang are separated by the two. Yang resides on the left and Blake stays on the right. While this team's journey has brought Weiss and Ruby closer, it has only brought Yang and Blake father apart.

    Well that’s all I got for you when it comes to the things Imaginary and I found interesting enough to point out. If you think I’m wrong on anything or think you found some things on your own, don’t be afraid to say so in the comments.

    Do you think this season of RWBY is going to be good? Will Jaune always be useless and a fuck up? Is there anything you found interesting in the opening? Tell us in the comments below.