I’m going to try and get this article out fast as hell because sadly the SECOND some fall anime start dropping, I can almost guarantee that any remaining interest in these summer anime will be obliterated considering the absolute juggernauts we have on the horizon. Still, while this season is undeniably a drought compared to fall, I want to look back on what I viewed this summer because there was still a good amount of fun to be had… amongst a lot of mixed bags and some dogshit. Let’s dive in, shall we?
Rent A Girlfriend Season Two
Make no mistake, I watched this anime to make fun of it with Kinky. That’s it. Do not for a single second think you should try watching this. If you’re horny, read doujinshi. If you want a romance, watch Your Lie In April or something. There is no excuse to be watching this dogshit apart from wanting to roast it either by yourself or with some friends. This harem may just contain some of the worst writing I have EVER seen in the history of anime to the point where I’m debating dedicating an entire article to solely how poorly the main character was constructed. I mean how the fuck do you have an immature, irresponsible, stupid, spineless simp be the star of your HAREM? Anyway you get the drill, please don’t watch this. I’m begging you.
This anime had one of the roughest starts that I can remember. Nothing but a bunch of generic fucks yelling at each other while failing to develop beyond the most recognizable stereotypes in anime. However, I stuck with it, and while the show never did quite manage to become amazing, I would say it definitely became solid. It took way too long but characters did grow somewhat, and by the end I was able to tolerate even the main character and his rival who previously drove me fucking bonkers. Sadly this show goes down as a fun watch, but nothing I need to recommend to anyone else. It has way too many predictable events and characters to say “hey check out this fine piece of art guys”.
Biscuit Hammer
Huh? What was this garbage? Listen, I had to drop out around episode five. Never in my life have I seen animation so bad where a major character dies and they couldn’t even be bothered to animate this man coughing up blood. It just sorta… flies outta his mouth. Clearly nobody cared or had the resources to care about this project in production so I certainly wasn’t going to waste my time either. It had an amazing ending song, but everything else was so bad it was laughable. From what I hear the source material is actually quite bussin’, but I’m not a manga reader so I’m afraid I’ll forever be wondering “what the fuck was this series even about?”.
RWBY: Ice Queendom
Okay full disclosure I’m STILL only about halfway through this one as I’m watching it with Kinky and we had a ton of shit to catch up on recently, but so far it’s the same RWBY story that’s as old as time itself. Fights are godlike, everything else is shit. Sadly even some of the fighting here and there looks a bit icky, but it’s very clear that when it’s time to animate, they go fucking all out. It’s a beautiful sight to see girls killing monsters in stunning detail and clarity, however as soon as they open their mouths about the main story you probably stop caring unless you’re a diehard RWBY fan. Like I said I still have plenty of this to see so take my opinion with even less weight than usual.
Summer Time Rendering Second Half
Holy shit. This anime was certainly something. Here’s the thing, I already did an article explaining what type of mystery this is, and that article has never been more relevant. If you want a grounded mystery with maybe a believable “monster” that the cast tracks down and figures out how to stop, look ANYWHERE fucking else. This is a rabbit hole mystery and if you enjoy that feeling of going deeper and deeper into something that makes less and less sense, this is perfect. With minimal spoilers you start off trying to stop a monster that has a couple of abilities and by the end of it, our cast is performing full-on time traveling maneuvers, crazy action, dimensional travel, and new powers being added and subtracted by the second. Personally I really fell off toward the end of this anime, it just got too fucking random for me to stay invested in the weight of the situation, but again for those more interested in this type of mystery you probably won’t be disappointed as the overall production quality is there.
Call of the Night
Not sure if I'm small brain as hell, or if this anime never figured out what it wanted to do. Every few episodes this shit felt like we completely changed up the overall direction of the story. I recently watched the latest episode and comparing it to episode one, I’m dumbfounded as to how we ended up here. The problem is, I’m actually really interested in where the story is going now, but damn bitch it’s like episode 12. The season is almost over. We should have been doing all this interesting shit a long time ago instead of dicking around for the entire first half of the season. At this point I’m simply hoping the anime either gets a second season and sticks to a single plotline that forces the characters to develop and question themselves as has been happening lately, or the producers call it a day. I really don’t need a second season of this MC vibing around at night accomplishing nothing, though it was certainly tolerable as a one season adventure. Either way, I can’t really recommend this due to the slow pacing and lack of direction that plagues this first set of episodes until the final few where everything starts coming together into a continuous story.
Lycoris Recoil
Disregarding recurring anime, this was EASILY the anime of the season. Gorgeous animation, interesting fight choreography and directing, loveable characters across the spectrum of good and evil, all brought together by an interesting conflict. Most of the time seasonal anime never live up to the heavy hitters. What I mean by that is normally a 12 episode original won’t have the substance of say a Jujutsu Kaisen or a Spy X Family. Yet every so often a banger like this emerges to save the day and deliver that “polished” anime experience and quality that the big names are known for. I know most people are probably gonna forget this anime ever aired considering the circumstances of the future, but I implore anyone with some spare time to go back and give this one a chance. A fun ride from start to finish that I can’t praise highly enough and it will live on in my heart. It saved my season.
Well, that about does it for what I was able to watch this time around. Hopefully you were all able to find some anime to hold you over those hot days of summer. Though ironically as the weather cools down it appears the industry is heating up. What were your favorite picks this summer? Any anime you enjoyed or wish you watched? Are you hype for next season? Load your gun, be careful of the lycoris recoil, and leave a comment below!
Psychic siblings from the future play a death game, the brother wants to destroy the world(via the Biscuit Hammer) and does so repeatedly while his sister tries to stop him. The brother summons golems to fight his sister's selected champions, selected by guardian animals. Meanwhile, our 2 main protags, want to destroy the world themselves.
Look, I know there are some of y'all who hate the constant plugging of my works. But you should all know that I will NEVER what Reiji's doing to his pile of vomit.