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Urusei Yatsura is Getting a 2022 Remake
By ImJustThatKinky • 2 years ago
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Old anime are getting remakes left and right recently. I guess that could be said the same for video games. All us youngsters who missed out on the classics and don’t have the means to experience them anymore, or they aged so poorly that it’s kind of a chore to try and enjoy them, get to experience them in a new, and beautiful way. Last season, we finished the remake of Shaman King, a remake of Rurouni Kenshin was announced, and now we’re getting a remake of Urusei Yatsura.

Now I’ll be honest with you all, I don’t know what the fuck Urusei Yatsura is. I’ve seen the girl with green hair and horns from time to time, but I know nothing about her or where she was from. But now I do know, and even though I don’t have an attachment for this show, characters, or any of it’s background, I’m excited to give it a try just on the fact that it’s an old 80’s classic.

Also, here’s a summary of the show:

Not much is notable about the lecherous Ataru Moroboshi, but his extraordinary bad luck sticks out like the horns in an alien's head. When Earth is threatened by a fleet of alien invaders known as the Oni, Ataru is selected to represent humanity in a duel against one of them. It's a stroke of rare luck for Ataru that the duel is in fact a game of tag, and that his opponent is Lum, daughter of the Oni's leader, who places her personal dignity above victory—as Ataru finds out by seizing Lum's bikini top and with it, victory.

However, misfortune kicks in again when Lum mistakes Ataru's promise to marry his girlfriend, Shinobu Miyake, as the desire to wed Lum herself, and decides she rather likes the idea. Wielding her influence as an alien princess, she moves in with him. Forced to deal with the consequences of his womanizing ways, Ataru must balance his crumbling relationship with Shinobu while keeping Lum happy, all the while flirting with every woman he meets.

So we’re getting that old school rom-com and maybe even harem kind of show. So, it’s definitely going to have the old school anime storytelling kind of feel, unless they try to change some things up. I don’t expect this to be a hit, hell, I might only watch 3 episodes. But, it’s still cool to see old anime get remakes, and give me hope for old anime I would like to see get remakes becoming reality. 

Have you heard of Urusei Yatsura? Have you watched the old 80’s Urusei Yatsura? Are you excited for the Urusei Yatsura remake? Tell us in the comments.

Anon - anon 2 years ago
I'd be more surprised if no one has ever heard of it. It is one of the most well known stories by one of the earliest manga author/artist that has quite a few well known series to their name.
Not really exited for the anime itself. More about what this would mean as we could be getting new anime for older manga or for ones that never got one(like Psyren).
Chaos729 2 years ago
GIVE US RANMA 1/2 NEXT! That commercial way back in 2009 with updated animation hurt so much to see, god it looked so fucking good.

I can't wait for this, I still have all of my dvds and movies
Oddest Ball 2 years ago
Lad, Shaman King ain't done yet. The tournament ain't finished yet. And there's also Dai's Adventure that got a remake.
I remember catching some of these on Youtube. Didn't get through all of them, but I feel Ranma is the better series. Still, good to reintroduce to the legacy series with a little makeup.
katkenny32 2 years ago
I am pretty interested in this one. Outside of a short congratulations video for Rumiko Takahashi, Urusei Yatsura hasn't had any new material in decades. VIZ has been releasing the manga and it more or less holds up. Not too hard to reboot these stories if they cherry pick. I think a lot of younger fans don't realize how outrageous and influential this series was. We will wait and see.
Returner6th 2 years ago
This one was effectively one of the major progenitors of modern harem comedies. I never actually watched the original (or read the manga), but I'm aware of it's influence, both for good and for ill. I wonder how well it might hold up, so in that respect I'm curious to watch it. I also wonder if they might later do a remake of Ranma 1/2 (the Takahashi show I did watch).
vetom89 2 years ago
Urusei Yatsura is one of the first anime I ever saw that had nudity in it, it's quite legendary as it was made by the creator of inuyasha and Ranma 1/2 Rumiko Takahashi, in fact to my undertanding these are her "big 3" titles and Urusei Yatsura was her first big success so yeah this title is a big deal in the industry
Anon - SomeGuy 2 years ago
Saw fan subs of this back in the days of VHS and still have some of the subbed DVDS somewhere. Thought it was a good slapstick with good fan service for the time. Though as iconic as Lum is, Sakura was my favorite in terms of waifus XD
Looking forward to the remake, though I’m curious how it’s going to measure up these days. Especially with To Love Ru being a thing.
Manarkin 2 years ago
I don't know how they will handle a creepy pervert protagonist in this day and age, but I am excited as a fan of the work and author.
Anon - Yoko’s Panties 2 years ago
I’m surprised you’re not bringing up the Netflix reboot of Bastard!! HEAVY METAL DARK FANTASY. Look into that one, it’s great shit.
Eroforever 2 years ago
I read the original Urusei Yatsura manga, didn't really much care for the anime at the time. I just hope that it'll be better than Yashahime.
Man that was such a disappointment.