Steam is taking NSFW games off their platform again even after saying that they would accept them with open arms . As more and more NSFW games are released on Steam, more and more weird rules for the banning of these games are coming to light. Top Hat Studios were one of the victims to have their game banned off of Steam for seemingly false reasons. So to combat this, they’ve decided to make their own storefront, saying to be more accepting than Steam.
Top Hat Studios states that they will be transparent with their customers and developers, and will accept any content, as long as it’s legal. We hear this alot coming from companies before they do a complete 180 and fuck over the developers that trusted them. We can only pray that Top Hat Studios is honest about their statement and will be transparent on their rules and won’t back track on their promise.
You can visit their website for more information HERE.
Do you think Top Hat Studios will succeed? What do you think about how Steam is handling NSFW content? Do you think NSFW games will ever be widely accepted? Tell us in the comments below.