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Thicc Femboy Venti Is REAL!!!
By ImJustThatKinky • 2 years ago
•  8630  •   3 7

Gods are usually able to transform their body to whatever form they want. Well, I guess Venti got tired of the skinny femboy look, and went with a more thicc body.

Venti has always been a snack, but now with those thicc thighs of his, his boy pussy is ready for a good pounding. The Bottom Heavy Venti mod is something glorious and a blessing that was gifted upon us. It’s not like people drawing Venti porn haven’t already been giving him a fat ass and thicc femboy thighs, but now, you can have that Venti in game.

And if you think drooling over Venti thicc thighs is gay, then don’t worry, Hazeker also got a Raiden Shogun thicc thigh mod, for all the unculture folks out there.

We already got an article on the thicc Mona mod that started all of this, so you can check that out if you want to complete the trilogy.

You can check out their Patreon to support them on more projects.

What do you think of the Bottom Heavy Venti mod? Who’s hotter, Bottom Heavy Venti or Bottom Heavy Raiden? Would you use these mods for your Genshin Impact playthrough? Tell us in the comments.

Anon - yourmom 2 years ago
who thought it was a good idea to let this gay dude kinky write shitty articles for this site? at least hire some one who isn't a retard.
Anon - Anon 2 years ago
MrObvious 2 years ago
Not into femboys but am not surprised. This will undoubtedly add to Venti's legendary status and put him on par with Bridgete or Astolfo. Those who patronize this will have a ball and more power to them.
umknown 2 years ago
I love traps and fembois, but honestly something doesn't look quite right about Venti's modded character model. Maybe they should reduce the slider just a bit he's to short to have thighs THAT thick. The taller female character Raiden pulls of the look off a lot better.