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The #jackochallenge
By ImJustThatKinky • 2 years ago

Well, tomorrow’s the day. Tomorrow is the day that the booty warrior Jack-O drops in Guilty Gear Strive. I’m excited since I enjoyed her and wanted to main her in Xrd. She was kind of too hard to play in Xrd, so I just played her casually, instead of getting serious with her. But now with Strive being easier, maybe I can play her. You know what’s not easy? The #jackochallenge. The challenge is based on Jack-O’s crouch animation. Snooze talked about it in his article, and brought up the point about if the couch animation would be brought back into Strive. Well, Arc System Works is here to confirm that, yes, the crouch is still in the game.

Now ever since the Jack-O trailer came out, people decided to start trying to do the pose, and artists started putting other anime and game characters in this iconic pose. 

It’s not the safest challenge, since you can break your back and fuck up your spine with this challenge. But it’s still safer than some of the older challenges we had come from the internet. Another goofy meme that generated some hot ass porn.

What do you think of the #jackochallenge? Do you think you can do the Jack-O crouch pose? Are you excited about Jack-O’s inclusion in the game? Tell us in the comments.