I’m back to look at the more creative side of the dere’s. The official list of deres just don’t cover the wide variety of different girls that are out there, so I, Kinky, has given myself the duty of listing and naming those girls myself. I hope you enjoy.
Well, she’s the most basic out of the deres, hint the name. She will never stray away from the norm so they’ll be no unwanted surprises coming your way. She will always do everything you like even if it’s simple.
She’s basic. There’s nothing surprising about her. She’s just a normal, average, everyday girl. She looks bland, she acts normal, she does everything to the T, she’s nothing special. She’s the kind of girl who reads Dating for Dumbs and follow the book religiously. If you like a girl who will always stay simple and to the point then this is the girl for you. But don’t expect her to do anything aventures, which means anal is out of the questions.
Usual the most popular and richest girl of the bunch. Being with her will automatically bump you up in the ranks of society. She’ll always make sure people treat you with respect and she’ll even treat you to dinner sometimes.
She will always make sure that even though you guys are dating, you’re still beneath her. You don’t have the rights to ever out class her in anything. And the people that are friends with you, don’t be surprised if their all just faking it. Some of them are only friends with you because you’re in a relationship with someone rich and might can gain something from you if their friends with you.
Always upbeat and energetic. Always ready to be active and hangout with you. Adventures and out going, she’s just a bundle of joy to be around. Also making sure to keep her body in top shape, not a flab to go around, only abs. And since she’s so out going, expect some sexy tan lines for when you two hop into bed.
Don’t be surprised if your friends mistake your girlfriend for a guy, and I’m not talking about just in looks. When she outshines you in every sports and physical activity, she’ll look more like the man of the relationship. You might start feeling inferior to your own girlfriend and she would even notice.
Same as Yanderes, no one will mess with you. She’ll beat up anyone who dare tries to mess with you. Always acting tough but when she’s around you, she get all fluffy and jello like. It’s always adorable to see a badass girl turn into a cute ball of mush everytime you two are with each other.
You being with her by proxy brings bad situations to you. Her parents and the people around you will blame you for her bad behavior or wonder why aren’t you doing anything to stop her. The people that hate her for breaking the rules will come starting problems with you. This girl comes with a lot of bad baggage and problems.
You can expect this girl to be in your house 24/7 because, well...you two are related! The one to always cling to you and knows you better than any other girl since she's been around you for so long. Always calling you “Onii-chan” which always turns you on. She’ll treat you like a best big brother in the world because well...you are her big brother!
This is not socially acceptable in most places, if not all places, so your relationship would most likely stay a secret. If anyone finds out that you two are in love, both of your lives could be ruined. You two would be labeled as freaks and weirdos. And having kids is out of the question, so I hope you’re okay with adoption.
Who is your favorite dere out of the five? Are my descriptions accurate? Is there a dere you'll like to see? Tell us in the comments below.