I bought Final Fantasy XV on the Playstation 4, so I won’t be able to enjoy this, but for all you “PC master race” users, if you were getting tired of the bro fest called Final Fantasy XV, you can now change that.
With the PC release of Final Fantasy XV and the ability to add mods, people have been going to work. You can now make your princely boy Noctis into the strong, ass kicking loli Marie Rose and the smart and studious Ignis, into the bust fan throwing heroine Mai Shiranui. The sad thing is, which you can see with most mods, there are sometimes weird things going on with the characters face which you can see in the YouTube video below:
You can grab your grab yourMarie Rose andMai Shiranui on steam.
Are you going to download these mods? Are you going to stick with the boys? Who's better, Marie or Mai? Tell us in the comments below.