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The Best Season For Fapping
By WakeUpSnooze • 2 years ago

Ladies and gentlemen it looks like the best season for fapping is now behind us. And let me clarify for my fellow weebs that I don’t mean the previous season of anime because holy shit that was a dry spell for me. I’m talking about the actual time of year that is about to be behind us: summer. In America at least I think many could argue that August is still pretty summery even though kids are going back to school and what not. Especially when you have terms like the “dog days” applying to the first half of August that signify extreme heat. However, now we’re moving on to September and I’m having to type this in a light jacket cause damn it’s chilled down outside. Which leads me to this article. Damn I forgot that fapping while chilled sucks.

This just isn't optimal.

For those with well constructed houses/apartments with proper insulation this might not be a big deal. However for the rest of us lackeys it sure is a battle to fight the good fight when it’s cold. Us gentlemen are already well aware that our rods love to shrink up as much as possible to conserve heat when it’s cool. And man if your hand is also cold and you go to crank it, it can be a shock to the system. When summer heat is blistering that shit sucks, but there’s something about the heat that makes it extra rewarding. And no cold means your dick won’t be trying to run away from your hand and back into your body. At first I thought I was just drawing conclusions from nothing, but to the contrary this seems to be well known already to other people. I mean “summer of love”? Pop culture media already tends to associate summer with fucking. While other times of the year also have romantic inclinations like Valentine’s Day and Christmas, there’s a more wholesome air about them in my opinion. Summer is like oh yeah we fucking cause it feels good, thats a viiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiibbbbbeeee bro. Or something like that.

I'll miss the water, swimming is sick.

Anyway the point is you got people stripping down wearing less clothes in summer, heat to keep your dick alive and ready for action, and a low amount of illnesses going around (okay chill I mean in regular years, not during this COVID Arc okay?). I could also see a good argument for spring being a fine time for fucking, especially with spring break and its connotations. Though I’m sure in some places spring still sees some chilly days. Not to mention the associations with pollen allergies that everyone hates. And hey wait a minute Easter is in spring. That’s time to be blessing up not knocking up. Nevermind, I’m sticking with summer. What do you guys think is the best season for fapping? Is it the same as your favorite season? Are you looking forward to fall and the new anime starting soon? Beat the heat once and for all and leave a comment below!