I’m here and I’m back, to tell you about the latest girl to be introduced to Dead or Alive Xtreme: Venus Vacation. And today, behind door number two, we have the mature older-sister type, Tamaki. Tamaki is a 22 years old woman who is not afraid to use her adult charms. She’s voiced by Saori Onishi who done voice roles for Ais Wallenstein from DanMachi, Muramasa Senju from EroManga-Sensei, and Hisako Arato from Shokugeki no Soma. And if you want to get alitte bit creeper, here are her stats.
Height: 169cm
Three-Sizes: B84/W54/H87
Blood Type: B
Occupation: Fashion Designer
Enjoys: Bouldering, yoga, bar-hopping
Likes: Macaroons, carbonated water, alcohol
Favorite Color: Turquoise
Birthday: August 19
With Tamaki on board the Dead or Alive waifu train who’s the next girl they’ll be introducing. And how long can they introduce new girls until the run out of ideas? I guess we’ll have to just wait to find out. Because I'm sure after awhile, the girls are just going to start being basic. I feel like Luna was the best they had. But it's not like I'm calling the new girl Tamaki basic, didn't you see the like orange stripe in her hair. That makes her liketotally unique and stuff.
So what do you think of Tamaki? Do you think they'll run out of ideas soon? What kinda girl would you like to see next? Tell us in the comments below.