Tag of the Week: Muscle
By Kasaix • 5 years ago
If you're not familiar with our Discord server, we have a weekly 'tag of the week' where people are encouraged to share images that relate to that tag. This week, that tag is 'Muscle', so here are a few doujins that feature some built women. Be sure to join the discord server and join in on sharing your own Muscle-themed favorites!
1. Kasshoku Banchou Nyotaika Mono by eroe
2. Sexy Penis Women Academy by Chinbotsu
4. Faint in Agony Bodylock by Quick Kick Lee
5. Playtime with Muscular Lady by Kemuri Haku
6. Naoe-kun won't be Resting by Chiba Toshiro
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But other artists are adding dicks to them, or having them fuck horses or some shit. Can we not overdo this otherwise awesome tag?