Skuddbutt is finally done with their new Gwen from Ben 10 model, and she's looking hella sexy and hella lewdable.
And yep, that’s right, Skuddbutt is planning a project with this new Gwen model. With dropping sneak peeks of future scenes and props.
Now I say lewdable, but who knows if Skudd plans on doing anything lewd with this Gwen model. From my knowledge, Skudd hasn’t done anything lewd with Gwen since the Shadbase days, which was some years ago. I wasn’t sure if it was because their old Gwen model sticks more to the younger looking original design, and people nowadays would have a fit about that. Or, if they just grew tired of Gwen over the years, and finally got the inspiration to work with her again. Either way, I do hope they do some big 3D lewd animation with her, voice acting and all. If not, I guess we could always count on Boxman for some lewd Gwen content.
What do you think of Skudd’s new Gwen model? Do you think Skudd is working on a lewd Gwen project? Would you like to see more 3D NSFW Gwen animations? Tell us in the comments.