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Rie Tanaka is Hotter Than Her Characters
By Yung Namahage • 5 years ago
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I'm sure at some point you must've wondered about the people voicing your favorite characters. Are they as sexy or cute as the characters they portray? Or are they just actors that happen to have good vocal range but aren't attractive enough for the screen themselves? In Rie Tanaka's case she looks good enough to eat, let alone star in movies. The seiyuu behind characters like Mitsuru Kirijo from Persona 3, Lacus Clyne in Mobile Suit Gundam Seed and Hyperdimension Neptunia's Nep recently took to the internet to show off a body that girls half her age would kill for. And guys as well, but in a different sense. 

Seriously, can you believe she's 40 years old? Last year, her marriage ended with fellow seiyuu Koichi Yamadera, who's known for voicing Spike in Cowboy Bebop and Beerus in Dragonball Super. I love Yamadera as a VA but he must be kicking himself at the sight of what he gave up. 

Other than voice acting, Tanaka has a side gig as a singer, recording solo albums as well as songs for anime and games she voice acts in. Judging from this new photoshoot and a couple of behind-the-scenes videos on her Twitter, she may be adding "model" to her résumé. 

What do you think of Rie's sexy photoshoot? Which character of hers is your favorite? Who's the hottest seiyuu you know of? Let us know below!

Anon - Bryan Masten 5 years ago
Dat ass!
MrObvious 5 years ago
She looks incredible for someone who's 40. You'd think she's only in her 20's.
Anon - Toybirdy 5 years ago
this explain's japanese high school porn :)
but lets get this straight she is not hotter then mitsuru. if she was real she would put this 40 yr old something to shame.
Anon - Last Blade 2 5 years ago
Very pretty. Probably lacking in the boob department, but damn if she doesn't have a nice butt.
UchihaMaster1 5 years ago
I'd love to hear her say "Ara Ara" and she probably has in some Anime at some point. Wow at 40 she looks like she's 18.
Anon - Oddest Ball 5 years ago
I'm pretty sure Yamadere's fine being separated from Rie Tanaka if there is no story of him begging her to get back together. lol
GenkiDai27 5 years ago
Hot damn, these are amazing! Also, the Virgo Zodiarts from Kamen Rider Fourze was my favorite character of hers
Anon - Rie Takanass 5 years ago
Mitsuru is not fuckable but the true Mitsuru is another story.
Must be every man wish to have a 40 yo that looks like 20.
Anon - Anon 1 year ago
Ywah. Because shes real.
Anon - Rush 4 years ago
Love her as Nep! And I couldn’t believe she voiced Kiara in FGO! This woman is fantastic! This set of photos only reinforces that!