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Physical Copies or Digital
By ImJustThatKinky β€’ 4 years ago
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With the PS5 and Xbox Series X out, it’s time to talk about fuck it. We’re not here to talk about the Xbox, no one cares about that console here. We’re talking about PS5 and the two different versions they have. You can buy the digital only PS5 for $400, while you can get the digital and disc version for $500. I never even thought they would make something like this, but now that they have, I’m wondering do I even care about having game discs anymore?

The PS5 gives you a choice of having a console that only lets you play digital games and a console that lets you play both digital or physical games. Now, I’ve been a physical copy boy forever. Since I was born in the age where digitally downloading games onto your system wasn’t a thing, I’ve been stuck on buying the physical copy. But let be honest, game disc cases take up space, and the more games you buy, the more space you’re losing. At this point, I think I just buy discs because I’m used to it. It feels weird to buy digital games instead of physical for me, it’s almost like I don’t even have the game.

Change is always hard, but if I’m going to save $100, maybe change isn’t bad. Collecting discs is cool, but it takes up space. I’ve never broken a game before, but buying it digitally would make sure I never break my game. If I buy the game digitally, I don’t have to wait a day or two for it to ship, or waste gas money to go to the store. Digital just has way more benefits to not consider it at this point. PS5 might have changed my way of purchasing games.

What do you like more, physical copies or digital ones? What version of the PS5 are you getting? Do you care about the Xbox Series X? Tell us in the comments.

Anon - Vance 4 years ago
"It feels weird to buy digital games instead of physical for me, it’s almost like I don’t even have the game."

That's because you don't have the game if it's digital. Do yourself a favor and look up what happened to Kindle owners with their digitally purchased books (those paper things that take up WAAAY more space than a video game). Once the people in charge of Kindle went "this is gone"...
Oddest Ball 4 years ago
Physical. Because it will exist as MY game that I BOUGHT AND KEEP, not something I allow to exist on my hard drive until the publisher decides they don't want me to have it anymore and take it themselves.
Anon - King Bitch 4 years ago
Physical media is forever. Buy laser disks.
kaishi10 4 years ago
Physical, with backups. The backup portion is why I DON'T support DRM or copy protection at all. Physical media degrades, but Digital has proven to have an even shorter lifespan due to changing requirements on both the hardware and software ends. Lifespan under optimal conditions > Film/Photo - 2-8~ yrs; Magnetic Tape (VHS, 8Track, etc) - 30-80~ yrs; Optical (CD, DVD, LD) - 20-40~ yrs
7thManiac 4 years ago (edited 4 years ago)
I always prefer physical. A part of it is I'm a collector. I have shelves of gundams and figures (mostly anime but some western) as well as lego-type sets. I like seeing all the games on my shelves. I also like jot being afraid of a service going down or for whatever reason pulling a game down. I will sometimes buy digital if a game I'm iffy on is on sale, then buy physical later. I only really play on my pc for mult
Noah_Webster 4 years ago (edited 4 years ago)
Physical. In my Playstation-pure circle of friends, we buy one copy of a game and pass it around. Sometimes we get together and hand the controller to one another.
I personally like displaying what I own and having the option to sell it. I’ll only buy digital if the disc is way more expensive or not an option.
katkenny32 4 years ago
I think this is the last generation of physical media for gaming consoles. It makes sense on several levels. Environmentally create a ton of E-waste. Most new games are too big to put on a single disc. Games sometimes cost less because they cut out the middle man. The vast majority of games will never be replayed. It just seems like the right direction to go in.
MrObvious 4 years ago
Call me old fashioned but I prefer the physical copy. It can act as a backup in case the console/PC somehow gets screwed up and sure you can kiss DLCs and mods goodbye but at least you'll have the original source game. Inevitably it has to be acknowledged that digital is the way of the future.
Gennos 4 years ago (edited 4 years ago)
Learn how to build your own computer and you can easily build something monstrous for around   It'll last you 7-10 years (mechanically and technologically) if you pick the right parts/specs. You don't buy the latest/greatest, you find those bulletproof cpus/gpu's and mobos that perform well and have a good deal of future proofing. Don't skimp on the power supply
Gennos 4 years ago
I made the switch to PC (steam) because of the downloading garbage. Only console I currently buy is Nintendo. I hate their gimmicks, but their games I can buy and play without all the BS. With steam I have a total package: forums, guides, store and all the utilities. Any game I download I can back up to a hard drive or USB stick that serves as a physical copy.