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Persona 5 In Fortnite?!
By ImJustThatKinky • 1 year ago
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I felt like this was obviously fake, since we JUST got the Jujutsu Kaisen collab with Fortnite, which is still going on my way. But I’ll admit, I was fooled for just a second. BUT ONLY FOR A SECOND!!!

Fortnite has been collabing with every anime, movie, and game under the sun, so it wouldn’t be surprising to see a collaboration with Persona 5. It actually would fit super well in the Fortnite universe. Already got the guns and everything. I match made in heaven if you ask me.

The account that posted this amazing prank is Altus West, a parody Twitter account. Luckily, people weren't being fooled for too long, thanks to one of Twitter's new features.

Finally Elon gave us a good feature.

But either way, this is definitely a collaboration I can see happening in the future. Totally not out of the realms of possibilities. So let’s see what other big collabs Fortnite have under their sleeves.

Did you believe the Fortnite x Persona 5 collab? Would you like to see Fortnite collab with Persona 5? What other collabs would you like to see? Tell us in the comments.