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People Going Crazy Over Dandadan Rape Scene
By ImJustThatKinky โ€ข 5 months ago
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The most anticipated anime of the season, Dandadan, is finally airing, and itโ€™s mind blowing. The animation, voice acting, and visuals, are on point in every aspect. And the story is interesting and has my attention so far. I love the different approach they have when it comes to the comedy, with jokes that land and very emotive and expressive faces. And for a shonen, the romance already blows most of them out the water. People are saying that the anime actually elevates and maybe even surpasses the manga. Hell, the anime even made sure to make the RAPE scene even better.

The animation team really put the budget into this scene, which I can appreciate, but many arenโ€™t liking how some people are praising the animation, especially Chibi Reviews.

But wait, thereโ€™s more.

Now Iโ€™ve watched Chibi Reviews in the past and enjoyed him, Iโ€™ve kind of fallen off since he gives off more of a not so genuine Youtuber vibe now. Sometimes he seems to make posts he knows will get people mad and riled up. Iโ€™m not saying this is one of those posts, just some of his other ones in the past. But even so, comments like this arenโ€™t acceptable. People just want to have an excuse to attack someone, and Chibi gave them that excuse. But honesly, they're going to be really mad when a doujin artist draw this scene.

What do you think of the scene? Do you think people are going too far? Have you watched Chibi Reviews? Tell us in the comments.

Anon - Obvious 5 months ago
The fact that it's a rape scene is exactly why it's surprising the animators went so hard on it. Wouldn't really be worth commenting on Twitter otherwise, it'd just be another well-animated scene.
Anon - Yikes 5 months ago
Yeah man I donโ€™t know, I was watching it blind with my girlfriend after seeing all the hype and the scene killed the vibe. Especially hearing that the rest of the manga isnโ€™t like this, like why make the climax โ€˜Iโ€™m gonna drug you and rape youโ€™, it just alienates a whole half of the population on the first episode.
Anon - Waah 5 months ago
People'll get offended over anything on the internet, that's nothing new since 2010. They could be using that time and energy and put it towards becoming powerful enough to defeat their dads, but nah instead they choose to cry like opinions are somehow factual in any way. Fucking do something. Lol
Anon - Muffdiver884 5 months ago
If Denji getting a handy doesn't cross a line for a shonen series, a rape scene definitely does. It's not about sensitivity, there are some lines that shouldn't be crossed in a series aimed at kids.
Reinz 5 months ago
Praise? Does his caption mention any praise? Kinky, you're too delusional and just want shit on Chibi like others.
Retrion 5 months ago
I remember similar outrage when first ep. of Goblin Slayer came out. Twitter mob was screaming, few days later no one cared. This is giving ammunition to all the adult artists. I predict that soon enough there will be plenty of drawings recreating this scene, if only to laugh at twitter mob. Lol.
MrObvious 5 months ago
No surprise with the shock especially considering, well, it's a rape scene.
Anon - mandorain 5 months ago
Looks like some people doxxed Chibi and are involving his family into this shit.
Chaos729 5 months ago
Also hilarious seeing these people attack Chibi when I remember years ago these same people nearly bullied him into killing himself when I highly doubt they've done anything of worth compared to when Chibi was just an up and starting reviewer. Never really watched his content but he's come a looong way compared to these dumb fucks
Hectotane 5 months ago
This is the reason why I straight up watch adult anime; as oppose to the high-end bait-and-switch bull that you get from the animu industry proper.

A scene like that; I can choose to avoid it. MoFoes here just throw it in for "gaze points" and "online hits." The story, and treatment of males, would be shitty overall.