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NowaJoestar is Here to ANALize All Your Favorite Waifus
By ImJustThatKinky • 4 years ago
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Anal lovers ever where! If you were looking for an artist who has a great artstyle and caters to your anal loving fetish. Then may I introduce you to one of the long lost relatives to the Joestar family. The NSFW artist, NowaJoestar, and their Stand, ANALized.

NowaJoestar makes great comics, featuring different female characters from games and anime. And the thing that caught my attention with them is that they focus on the hole that matters the most. The asshole, in their series ANALized. See every single one of your favorite female characters take it in the ass, whether they like it or not. Hell, even the girl from the Ring can take it in the ass.

But they’ve stepped their game up to the next level. What’s better than a comic about anal? A full voiced motion comic about anal!

Have you heard about NowaJoestar? What do you think about their ANALized series? Who would you like to see get ANALized? Tell us in the comments.

Anon - why 4 years ago
Oi Josuke! I found some pretty cool porn but I beat my dick so hard that it’s now broken down! Can you use your Crazy Diamond to fix it?!
MrObvious 4 years ago
Would be interesting to see some of our favorite waifus get their back door 'examined'. Thanks again there Kinky!
Lord_Dragon2311 4 years ago
Give that man (or woman or team, i don't know) the Medal of Anal-Honor!!
My List of Ladies, they should ANALized would be way to long to write down. So NowaJoestar, do your thing and I will enjoy my favourite kink, thanks to you.
Anon - Telos 4 years ago
Have they done Yoruichi or Erza yet?