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Nemona Hotness Rivals Other Pokemon Rivals
By ImJustThatKinky • 2 years ago
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We’ve talked about the new professors who were shown off in the new Pokemon Violet and Scarlet trailer, so now it’s time to talk about the new rival who’s also joining the Pokemon ranks, one of Pokemon’s new hotness, and her name is Nemona.

Pokemon is doing this new thing where your rival is actually a character and not just the other default gender character that you didn’t pick, which is a nice change for the series. First we got Hop, and now Nemona. And all I got to say is that I’m already liking Nemona’s design. She got that cool kid vibe (all characters are over the age 18), with her black ponytail and green hair strands falling in front of her face. She’s rocking the same get-up as the main protagonist character, with an added one hand glove. She is also a little more bustier than the main female MC, which is a plus in my book. I can already see this little cute dynamite getting a lot of lewds of her. 

She even looks cute with a dick.

And I might talk crap about the female MC, but you can make her a sneak hotness real fast.

What do you think of Nemona? Do you think Nemona is hot? Do you think the female MC is a sneak hotness? Tell us in the comments.

MrObvious 2 years ago
She's got a distinct charm, though personally I'd stick to my current gen Poke-Waifu Bea with her spats pattern bodysuit. We'll see what other waifus Violet and Scarlet bring about.
Noah_Webster 2 years ago
I’m down to see more hentai of these two. Nessa unquestionably remains the hottest of all the Pokémon waifus, though.
NTD-93 2 years ago (edited 2 years ago)
But the rival being a distinct character isn't new… It happens in every generation except the third…
7thManiac 2 years ago
So I wasn't the only one who really liked her design. I'm a big fan of her look.
Fus62 2 years ago
Hmmm, Pokemon is usually pretty on point with new waifu designs, and while this one isn't bad per se, I feel it's lacking something to make her really distinct. Not so much visually, but the character feels too one dimensional. Past characters felt at least a layer deeper to give them some type of niche, this one gives off the impression more as a regular trainer battle fodder than a character.
Xelentc728 2 years ago
So that’s a child… right…
Anon - Victory Knight 2 years ago
The games aren't even out yet and I already like Nemona a hell of a lot more than Hop. Hop was incredibly annoying with his "This is the start of my legend!" crap, especially since he was never that hard to beat. Heck, I only had one KO against Leon in the champion battle, and I usually suffer at least 3-4 KOs against the Champions. I only beat Cynthia back in Diamond by the skin-of-my-teeth.