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Male NSFW Voice Acting Compared to Girls
By ImJustThatKinky • 5 years ago
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It’s a hard knock life out there if you’re a male NSFW VA. Now I’m not saying that it’s not profitable, or that it’s a waste of time. But let’s be honest, us guys, and even some girls, would rather hear a girl moaning instead of a guy.

The many struggle us guys have to go through.

I’ve been in the NSFW voice acting scene for a little bit now, and this is becoming more apparent to me as time goes on. It’s not like male NSFW VAs are pointless or useless, but you’ll notice that most roles that are needed are for female VAs. Most content creators, including me, don’t see the value in male voices, unless they’re monster voices. Male VAs can sometimes get lucky and land themselves a straight role, but more likely than not, if there’s a need for a male NSFW VA, it’ll be for a monster role, or a gay role.

I need to find more gay roles if I'm going to pay these bills.

This isn’t really a surprise since guys consume more porn than girls...I think...don’t quote me on that, at least I know more males watch animated porn and things like that. And since most of the males viewing these contents are straight, then of course creators will cater to them, it’s completely understandable. So as the huge bro that I am, I want to give you links to all my male NSFW homies. You know what they say, bros before hoes...please know that was a joke. I love my female VAs.


Ivan E. Recshun

Checkov Stuff




Leo Greystone


Steve Hamm

Shameless self plug: ImJustThatKinky

Would you ever try to be a male NSFW VA? Would you excluded male roles in your projects? Do you think male VAs should get more roles? Tell us in the comments.

sikadarling 5 years ago
Out here doing the lord's work for us ladypervs
Hectotane 5 years ago
"They can stand you up at the gates of Hell, but DON'T BACK DOWN." says Tom Petty.

The male voice in any NSFW project is too important to not have. And any person not having a voice when it's time to speak is just too weird.
MrObvious 5 years ago
Male VA's should be included, I mean they feature in hentai alongside the ladies right? Yes I'd hire if I were a company man, but for acting meh, I'd leave it all to you. I'm just not good at it lol
kaishi10 5 years ago
"Gay for Pay." If it pays dem bills and yur down with it, more power to ya.
Anon - Omega zero 5 years ago
Well i make my own NSFW audios so eh i font have too much problem. My audience enjoys my content or not.