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Kujou Sara Sexiness Lurks in the Shadows
By ImJustThatKinky • 3 years ago
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WIth the new Inazuma update in Genshin Impact, alot of new babes are being announced and shown. But even so, some of the girls are getting out shined by the big towering boobs over shadowing them. I know everyone is going crazy over Baal, but what about her loyal subordinate Kujou Sara. 

Kujou Sara is an Electro character, which explains why she is so shockingly hot. She has golden eyes, short black hair, a bob haircut, and a red tengu mask on her head. And something you’ll notice in most of her lewd art, is the tight black shirt she wears under her garment. I feel like her cold stare and her stoic attitude is what also adds to her sexiness.

What do you think of Kujou Sara? Do you think Kujou Sara is hotter than Baal? Do you think stoic women are hot? Tell us in the comments.

Anon - DryOut 3 years ago
I like Sara. And I like Baal. Both can Dom me hard. 10/10 would Femdom again.
MrObvious 3 years ago
Loving her sternness and yes, if I were the Shogun I'd just sweep her off into the sunset and never look back. Her scruffy bob cut and tight wardrobe make her my third GI waifu. The firm dedicated ones are usually among the best.
Anon - Anon 3 years ago
Sara's tits became instantly legendary. They're just the best tits in the game, period. It also helps that her personality can be described as "Jean with an actual spine." She does not fuck around and nobody fucks with her or the shogunate and gets away with it. God, I hope the next update does something with her, a story quest, hangout event, SOMETHING. She earned it.
Oddest Ball 3 years ago
Tengu, not tengo.