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Kill la Kill: IF Coming to Switch, New Characters Announced
By Kasaix β€’ 6 years ago
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Kill la Kill is a fine series. Entirely too short, but with fine doujins you can find on our site. We've discussed the upcoming video game adaptation before, but there's an update to the whole thing. Along with the PS4 version, Kill la Kill: IF will see an additional Switch port launching sometime in 2019. 

In addition to the new port announcement, two new characters will be joining the lineup: Nui Harime and Ragyo Kiryuin. You can see the screen shots below:

Though let's be honest: it will be down to Ryuuko or Satsuki with who the people main first. Personally, I'm down with Ryuuko. Who will you be maining when the game launches? Sound off in the comments below!

Oddest Ball 6 years ago
2 pictures of Ragyo there.